Am I sedentary?

I have a desk job, so I put myself as sedentary, however I don't know if 1200 calories is enough for me. I have an infant at home.... can I put lightly active? :laugh:

I haven't been feeling good only eating 1200 and much better eating 1400.

Any suggestions?

Thanks! :smile:


  • mama22girlz
    I would go in and change it to 1400 manually. See how it goes for a few weeks, if you are still loosing about 1 lb a week that I'd leave it at that. Its not good to feel bad, makes you less motivated to stick with it.

    Taking care of an infant definatly burns calories, your carrying around a 10-15 lb (depending on the size of you baby) weight for hours on end :wink:
  • alibikini
    alibikini Posts: 4 Member
    Hello there - it sounds like your body is telling you that 1,200 isn't enough, so don't risk it if you have a small child to look after.
    Plus, I checked out on this website that roughly speaking you burn approx 136 calories an hour performing child care activities ( standing - dressing, bathing, grooming, feeding, occasional lifting of child-light effort; 106, if you do most of this whilst sitting) - I reckon you can definitely give yourself 200 exercise calories for that effort! Good luck!
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