Is this too much?

I am an extremely short person (4'11", and not getting any taller!)~

Started watching my weight right before summertime this year after noticing I was gaining a little "extra" around the edges. I also do some modeling on the side, so it was inevitable I would have to be careful anyways.

To begin with, I weighed in at 96 pounds, the heaviest I have ever been in my life and as of today, I weigh in at 81.
A lot of people around me say I am underweight, but in all honesty, I don't feel underweight :/

I must emphasize again that I am under 5 feet tall~
I also noticed people never mentioned anything about my being supposedly underweight until I gave them numbers. Therefore, I can rule out physically looking too thin.

This has always left me sort of confused.
Is it true that extremely short people have to deal with lower numbers to fit their proportion or am I pushing myself too much like some people around me say?


  • bms34b
    bms34b Posts: 401 Member
    I'm 5'6", but my family is made up of many many short women. (Four aunts at around 4'10" as well).

    Many of them feel most comfortable under 100 pounds - but are most beautiful when they're around 100 or 95. One in particular has pushed herself down into the 80s...yes, pushed herself, and she neither looked nor felt healthy.

    If you're really worried about it, I'd ask your doctor. I'm sure at under 100 pounds and 4'11", which is almost five foot, you have absolutely nothing around the edges.

    I am no health professional, but my suggestion as a young woman would be to focus on self love at any weight. If you aren't happy at 96, weight isn't what's bringing your self confidence down.
  • RekindledRose
    RekindledRose Posts: 523 Member
    Well you look like you have some oriental blood in you, and they're 'normally' very slim people. I think it has to do with how much of your body is muscle vs. flab, and then also how much fat you are holding in your body. It's hard to gage with just a face picture, but if you post a picture in a bathing suit I'm sure you'll get a variety of feedback.

    In the end, how healthy do you think you are overall? That's the biggest question.