Anyone want to start turbo fire with me??



  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    I am only on day 3 and loving it!

    Feel free to add me!
  • Fit4Jesus84
    Just ordered TF via, It should be here in a few days...can't wait to start! I would love some buddies to chat with and exchange advice/motivation. I have been doing a bit of working out just so I am not super sore when I start. I did Insanity a few months ago, it was...AWESOME! Saw great results! In fact, I have 2 pics in my profile of my results from that...which just reminded me, maybe I should upload some before pics right now.

    Anywho, I will keep checking on here every day and watch people's progress!

    Oh, I made a short list of goals for myself, I think it might help other people too to have a list of goals on paper. Here are my objectives; 1. Workout twice a day, TF in the am, jogging in the pm 2. cheat meal + desert Saturday nights 3. water fast and rest on Sundays 4. weigh ins on Mondays 5. 64 + oz water/day 6. make proper food choices/portion control 7. every 5 lbs lost = get to shave my legs! <--motivation! 8. lose the weight by my wedding day July 6th 2013!

    I know I left a few off but the full list on my page.

    Shalom! Good luck everyone and God speed!
