Young and sooo new to all of this! Help!?

Okay so I'm 135lbs and am 5'3 1/2, I'm a freshman in college, and use to weigh 120-125 lbs in high school. Is it still possible to get down to that weight? I was at 148 at the beginning of the fall so I have lost quite a bit of weight. I've never felt so hideous. I have a pretty big sweet tooth, and I don't know how to cut it out. I really just want a a slim body for the summer, I'm tired of being chubby.... I gained all this weight from eating fast food every single day because of work, it was just convenient lol!

Any pointers guys?!? Please I need help. And I can't tell my family or friends about this, because they say such sweet things and don't understand why I'm so unhappy, but I am.

Thanks so much! :)


  • Wayne092
    My recommendation for you is to first accept the fact there is nothing wrong with being 135 lbs. and take a look around on this website to realize many are deling with serious weight issues and focusing on it daily. Your a college student who has access to probably a very nice gym facility so get the New Year started by hitting the gym.
  • ravenchick
    ravenchick Posts: 345 Member
    My recommendation for you is to first accept the fact there is nothing wrong with being 135 lbs. and take a look around on this website to realize many are deling with serious weight issues and focusing on it daily. Your a college student who has access to probably a very nice gym facility so get the New Year started by hitting the gym.

    ^^ This
  • fashionista_jas
    fashionista_jas Posts: 22 Member
    It does get hard going to the gym at times, and the cafeteria food is so fattening, and money is always a issue since I attend a heavy priced private institution. But maybe I can try to attend it more! I had for about a month, I was just not feeling like anything was changing with my body. But thanks anyways! :)
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Yes - it is certainly possible to get down to 120-125 pounds and maintain it. But it will take work and very careful nutrition. Best wishes to you! Just don't be in too much of a hurry. Lasting change takes time.
  • fashionista_jas
    fashionista_jas Posts: 22 Member
    Ah thanks! It seems so hard now that I'm not in high school now, I feel like my body has just changed so much! I have always wanted to be at 115 and toned, but let see! Now that I see alot of people trying to change their lifestyle it pushes me even more than ever to stay healthy! :)
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I'm 5'6" and got down to 169 in 2011-- lighter than I was in high school! I've put the weight back on, but will be dropping 20 lbs in the next month thanks to newborn :)
  • fervc64
    I think it's normal to gain some when you hit college, so don't feel bad, you're not alone. Even if you can't get to the gym try to walk more on campus and things like that. Buy some small weights or exercise dvd's. Doesn't have to be expensive. Honestly, it doesn't seem like you need to lose anything. Just do the healthy things.
  • jacquerd
    jacquerd Posts: 121 Member
    It does get hard going to the gym at times, and the cafeteria food is so fattening, and money is always a issue since I attend a heavy priced private institution. But maybe I can try to attend it more! I had for about a month, I was just not feeling like anything was changing with my body. But thanks anyways! :)

    Sounds like you are close....and the number on the scale depends on your body composition. :) When you go to the gym are you lifting weights or just cardio, or both. Lift lots of iron and you will change your body. Nutrition is a huge part of your success. Eat healthy real foods and eat enough of them. :)
  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    Ah thanks! It seems so hard now that I'm not in high school now, I feel like my body has just changed so much! I have always wanted to be at 115 and toned, but let see! Now that I see alot of people trying to change their lifestyle it pushes me even more than ever to stay healthy! :)

    Why 115? Perhaps you should focus on being fit instead of thin. Eat right, incorporate a strength training program to shape your body, and the numbers on the scale will matter less than how you look.
  • ccckwalk
    ccckwalk Posts: 262
    Chin up girlie! Eat right, get some exercise and log your food. If you can't get to the gym, you can run the track for free or pick up weights and home workout DVD's, there are some great workout DVD's out there. I work out at home. I don't go to the gym. Jillian Michaels is my best workout out buddy. I also run 4 days a week. You are a beautiful girl and there is nothing wrong with wanting to lose a few pounds. You can do it! Have a great night girl! ~Corina
  • fashionista_jas
    fashionista_jas Posts: 22 Member
    ah yes! This is true thank you and maybe I do need to incorporate more strength training! thanks! :)
  • tehzephyrsong
    tehzephyrsong Posts: 435 Member
    135 is a perfectly healthy weight for a woman of your height. I'm also a college student, about 5'3,'' and 135 is within my goal range. If you'd like to change your body composition (which is what it sounds like), take the advice of the other posters here and start weightlifting. And I mean lifting heavy. None of this "100 reps with a 5lb dumbbell" BS - your purse is heavier than that. Pick up a copy of the books The New Rules of Lifting for Women and Starting Strength, and hit the gym.

    This is the only time in your life that you're going to have FREE or SERIOUSLY CHEAP access to decent gym equipment - take advantage of it now, as a freshman. I'm graduating in the spring and I get sad when I realize that after May, I'm actually going to have to pay for access to a gym, because having one free and close enough to be able to walk home and shower afterward is indescribably convenient.
  • fashionista_jas
    fashionista_jas Posts: 22 Member
    Alrighty! Weight training I guess it is! Oh my I've never considered about those factors on having a gym so close!

    Thank you!!!
  • paradog
    paradog Posts: 378 Member
    Don't go gentle into that good night!

    We can make all the excuses we want, but a month from now will you be saying "I am glad I did" or "I wish I had"? One day at a time. Build up into the program you want at a speed that you can realistically handle. Small steps. Eventually you will find your stride and you will be running (maybe literally)!