Possibly a stupid question...



  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    Strength training can build a significant amount of muscle mass. Things like swimming and jogging don't tax the muscles the same way as lifting weights, that's how the body knows there's a difference.

    doing stretches in a yoga class, and squatting heavy weight are two totally different things, and your body treats them accordingly.

    Yoga is much more than just stretching. It's a pretty significant muscle building activity. It's all body-weight strength training. So, no it won't make you bulk like lifting heavy. But it will absolutely strengthen mucsles significantly. While improving balance and flexibility at the same time.

    Agree on you with the yoga...BUT PLEASE stop with the "bulking like lifting heavy" thing.....A man needs to work like a machine in order to bulk - very few females can "bulk" from lifting heavy without using steroids.....::sad: :sad:
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    Strength training can build a significant amount of muscle mass. Things like swimming and jogging don't tax the muscles the same way as lifting weights, that's how the body knows there's a difference.

    doing stretches in a yoga class, and squatting heavy weight are two totally different things, and your body treats them accordingly.

    Yoga is much more than just stretching. It's a pretty significant muscle building activity. It's all body-weight strength training. So, no it won't make you bulk like lifting heavy. But it will absolutely strengthen mucsles significantly. While improving balance and flexibility at the same time.

    Agree on you with the yoga...BUT PLEASE stop with the "bulking like lifting heavy" thing.....A man needs to work like a machine in order to bulk - very few females can "bulk" from lifting heavy without using steroids.....::sad: :sad:

    Yeah, I'm well aware of that. It was a short and simple way to say it in a thread. There are some women who do not want the look of large muscles. Heavy lifting will make a woman's muscles get large and they will be visible and noticable. Some women don't want that. It's not really all that 'sad'.

    Or is the word 'bulk' that saddens you? Is that word only reserved for bodybuilders? Is it that specific?
  • SyStEmPhReAk
    SyStEmPhReAk Posts: 330 Member
    Patiently waiting for the "yoga vs weightlifting: which gives better results" thread! :laugh: :smile: