New with more than 100 lbs to lose



  • I have been overweight my whole life as well and am now at my highest weight. I've made so many plans to diet and exercise and have never stuck with them but that's going to change. 2013 is going to be my year! I have over 100 pounds to lose as well. Please feel free to friend me. I'm so excited to start and be on this journey and finally lose the weight!
  • serenapitala
    serenapitala Posts: 441 Member
    I have been fat for a decade or so. I started at 240 and have lost 50 this year. If you have any questions, need support or just a friend on here, let me know. Great job starting. We all know how hard that is. 2013 will be your year. When you stumble, you'll start again. When it''s hard, you'll push through. When you have questions, you'll ask. And when you need someone's help, you'll let us help. There is no shame in any of that. We all do those things and it's hard for all of us. You're joining a great group and we're excited to have you :happy:
    Congrats on starting!

    The same goes for everyone else starting!!!
  • Im also needing to lose over 100lbs.. think the total I need to lose is around 170! Ive lost 43lbs so far though so well on my way :) feel free to add me
  • Count me in! I need to loose 150! Would love to be your friend!
  • Hello All...

    I've been fighting this battle most of my life and I'm not going to give up. I would love to have friends along for the journey. We all need to encourage each other.

    -- April
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    I'm so sorry about your wound. I do hope it heals. That's scary! I don't have diabetes, but it runs on my mother's side of the family (my grandma has it). It is a scare I live with every day.

    You can do this, probably even in the nursing home! Just start with your eating, and when you are able to, start walking around and getting that in.

    Feel free to add me. I have about 120 lbs (probalby more since I gained) to lose.
  • I was part of the 300 pounds club, but I have gone from 304 to 253 and I started July 16, 2012. I am still the 100 pounds club. My goal is to lose that extra 100 pounds and I will do it and so can you. Reading and memorizing Philippians 4:13 has helped me when I wanted to just give up and throw in towel. Feel free to add me as well!!!!!
  • tnpxx94
    tnpxx94 Posts: 39 Member
    I'm just a few pounds shy of 100 currently but I guess technically at my heaviest I was probably there. I've got 93 pounds to lose at 18. I gained 60 of that in the last year in a half and the doctor said if I don't fix it now and make changes to my life I will end up diabetic. I don't want to see my life cut short because of something I could control. Anyone feel free to add me for encouragement and support! We can do this!
  • ladyflower22001
    ladyflower22001 Posts: 1 Member
    I too need to lose over 100 lbs total, but am wanting to at least lose 40 by my 40th birthday in August! We can all do this if we keep encouraging and motivating each other. I also have an accountability page on facebook, It's 40, Fit and Fabulous! Anyone can add me on here and also like my Facebook page! I need all the support I can get! :) Let's rock 2013!!!
  • I'm also need to lose over 100 pounds! Feel free to add me!
  • Davidea76
    Davidea76 Posts: 16 Member
    I realize that my story is a sad one but I do not expect sympathy. The truth is that I did not take care of myself the way that I should and that is why I have the life that i do. I take the blame for it but with that said I have learned that God lead me through this life and did what He felt was best for me because I ended up back in college and working on a degree now in Psychology. I always wanted to go back to school but I never had the motivation to do it. never mind the time to do it. When I got sick though and ended up in the nursing home I had nothing better to do with my time so I started college. I just finished my first 24 credits and I am so excited about having a career after all this is said and done. I am working on getting disability because up until I have a bachelors degree there isn't much I'm qualified to do considering I'm never allowed to work on my feet again. That's a hard pill to swallow when you've spent your entire life as a waitress and cook.
    For those in fear of becoming a diabetic you can change your life now by simply losing weight. My sister is a type 2 diabetic and she lost 65 lbs and is no longer taking her medicine because she keeps her sugar under control. I have type 1 diabetes which I got as a young adult and I have to take insulin shots for the rest of my life because I do not produce insulin at all. Just a little info on diabetes because I do not want anyone to think that if they get diabetes they have to deal with the realities that I have.

    Hope everyone has a great day and a wonderful start to the new year.

    And I'm serious about the vacation. I am planning it for next summer 2014 so anyone that wants to go on a cruise let me know cause we will have to figure out where we are going and how many people so we can get a great discount. i am saving already for it. I cannot wait to buy my skinny girl clothes. lol
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    I did it, so I know you all can do it. I just want to say if you really want it bad, you can and will do it. Take time to write down in a journal, the front page inset, WHY you want to get healthy. Be very descriptive. Don't just write "to be healthy." Come up with all the reasons why you hate being overweight. Every single one of them! It might look something like this:

    I hate when my legs rub togethter and create a rash.
    I hate that I am a spectator in my children's lives.
    I hate that I am in pain just walking the grocery store.
    I want to wear a swimsuit.
    I hate that I feel too insecure to ride a rollercoast

    Then, on the back inset page, write down your vision of who you will be when you reach goal. It might look like this:

    I want to wear a beautiful bathing suit and be able to take my coverup off.
    I want to go to the waterpark with my kids and ride the rides with them.
    I want to celebrate and go ziplining with my kids and have no weight restrictions.
    I want to ride all the rollercosters with my kids.
    I want to smile and feel secure with who I am.

    Read the front and back every day. And journal every day about your feelings. You may even consider creating a VISION BOARD on poster board or on Pinterest, of all the things that remind you of GOAL? Maybe a fancy bra from Victoria Secret? Maybe a nice vacation/cruise, or a hot date night with the hubs????

    And be sure to surround yourself with support!!!

    GO GET EM!!!!
  • msgbr
    msgbr Posts: 23 Member
    Count me in the 100 to lose club. I am calling this "My Journey" because it took 25 years to get to this weight. Not sure how long it will take to make all the necessary changes to be a smaller version of me but I will chip away day by day at that 100 pounds.:smile:
  • HI all I joined last night on my IPhone, and today online...I am 50 years old, and have been a yo-yo-dieter since my first diet in 1976, I was 14. There is nothing in the last 36 years I haven't tried. In both diet and exercise. Some were successful, (until I stopped), and some were not. In the past 13 years I have managed to develop a number of blood and auto-immune diseases/disorders. Eventually I was put on disability...very depressing, because I loved my job! This past 5 years or so I just gave up, I was so tired of the on-going struggle. But this past year several things happened. First I turned 50, a major milestone for me, But I also developed to physical conditions in which both trips to the doctor resulted in the same diagnosis...."This is because you are too FAT!, the only cure for this is losing weight" This is the first time I had an ailment that was a direct result of weight. Not diabetes, but a skin condition, that is very painful, and very gross. And a fractured foot with Plantar fasciitis, as well as a bone spur, (All in one appointment, all on the same foot, and all because I weighed 290LBS!) SO I dug in and started researching.....Something I never did before, mostly because the first dozen diets I was on were before the invention of the internet! LOL.
    I stumbled onto something that made a lot of sense to me, so a couple weeks ago I made all the mental, and food preparations. My goal was to have everything ready to start on January 1st. However, I prefer to call this my "NEW LIFE RESOLUTION". So on New years eve I downloaded the My Fitness Pal APP., entered my info, and today a new life begins....
    Let's get em!!!
  • allthingsgood4
    allthingsgood4 Posts: 4 Member
    I also have over 100 lbs to lose. I can relate to your post. I feel like I'm just a spectator in my children's lives. I want to play with them, swim, go to the waterpark, wear a swimsuit etc.. I just turned 40 and with a history of diabetes, heart disease and cancer in my family, this is the year I take control of my life. Feel free to add me as a friend as well.
  • Hi, Just started my journey again today.I have started and stopped a zillion times. I know this is a lifestyle change and I have to keep going one day at a time. I have 100 lbs to lose and could use friends!!!!!!

    C :smile:
  • LuckBeWithU
    LuckBeWithU Posts: 173 Member
    I'm also need to lose over 100 pounds! Feel free to add me!
  • Hey Davidea, you can do it! I lost about 105ish pounds 6-7 years ago and I've kept it off ever since. Feel free to add me if you'd like. :)
  • MissKriss3
    MissKriss3 Posts: 117 Member
    I am on my way to losing 100 lbs. we can do this!
  • butterflylady86
    butterflylady86 Posts: 369 Member
    Hey You can do it. I have lost 61 pounds so far. I have another 60plus too lose. Add me if you need a friend. Stay Positive you can do it Peace and prayers