Judgement Day - 2012 Resolutions - How did you do?

Pretty simple. If you wrote out a list of resolutions for 2012, what were they? Did you accomplish them?

1. Stop watching so much TV

Mission Accomplished. I turned off my TV on December 31, 2011 and haven't turned it back on. I dropped DirectTV and saved $75 per month. I did end up purchasing a subscription to Netflix on my Ipad and watch a show or movie most evenings with dinner but my marathon days of watching TV are over.

2. read some books

I still need to work on this one. I bought myself an IPad and purchased some books to read on it but little have kept my interest enough to finish. Two zombie/apocalyptic based series that I've enjoyed were:

3. Be active at least 4 days per week

I started out slow with this one but kicked it into high gear in June when I joined the YMCA and got started on MFP. I started swimming almost daily and used that activity to drop 50 pounds. I then joined another gym and started lifting weights. I'm a regular there now.

4. Cut back processed foods

Mission Accomplished. I began this year with a terrible diet. Fast food was a staple and if it didn't come through a window it came pre made in a box. While I still enjoy a frozen pizza or Subway now and then, my staples are now lean proteins with lots of veggies.

5. Do public things

Mission Accomplished+++. I spent a lot of years not liking myself and hiding. My week in/week out routine work and home only venturing out when absolutely necessary for grocery shopping and the like. This year I changed that. The gym is a good example of this. Prior to this year I had never been to a stand up comedy show or concert. I did both for the first time this year and had an absolute blast.

Comedy shows included:
#1. Bill Burr
#2. Amy Schumer
#3. Jonathan Kite
#4. Bob Saget

Concerts included:
#1. Flogging Molly with the Devil Makes Three and Black Joe Louis & the Honeybears
#2. Old Crow Medicine Show and the Lumineers
#3. An all day festival "The Weenie Roast" - The Offspring, Garbage, Flogging Molly, Coheed & Cambria, Switchfoot, Our Lady Peace, Eve 6, Anberlin, Paper Tongues, Evans Blue
#4. Social Distortion with Lindi Ortega and The Biters
#5. Silversun Pickups with Civil Twlight and Morning Parade
#6. Flogging Molly with The Defilers

Not only was this final concert my favorite, I also ventured further outside my comfort zone. The venue was three hours away in another state on a Friday night. It also happened to be sandwiched between Concert #5 on Thursday evening and Comedy #4 on Saturday evening. Not only did I decide to go but I made it a point to get right in the middle of it all. Check out my shaved head, front row center stage (between the raised arms).

[img]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc135/fisher_man_matt/2012-12-01 FM at The Farm/488d01fb02f9b4917b3cef28482c336f.jpg[/img]

6. Create/build something

When I set this goal I was thinking of an object, something physical. I built a garden and a few Nick Knacks but nothing substantial. I have come to a realization that maybe it didn't need to be a physical thing. Maybe building a happier life and a more fit physical person belong in here. While they don't follow the original meaning of the goal when it was set, it is something of an ongoing project that I have seen results in.

7. Take better care of my house

Needs work. My house is a mess and I don't keep up with it as well as I wish I did. I don't wash dishes every day. Shoes aren't put back on the rack. Sweeping, moping, vacuuming and dusting aren't done as often as they should. I need to improve on all of this.

8. Learn some new skills

While this will always be a goal, I had some specific things in mind here that didn't get accomplished.

9. Have a conversation with another person every day

While I haven't spoke with another person every day, I do talk with people more often than I used to. In my hiding days (man that was a long 25 years), it wasn't uncommon for me to days or even weeks with having a conversation. Thankfully, those days seem to be over.

10. Take some chances

I had some specific things in mind here that didn't get accomplished.

11. Cook at least 3 days per week

Mission Accomplished.

Sorry for being so long winded. 2012 has been an amazing year for me. How did you do with your resolutions?


  • fitnat23
    Great job! It is so nice to hear someone actually accomplish their resolutions! Sounds like you have really turned a corner--keep up the great work!
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    Great Job! I did so horribly on my 2012 Resolutions that I don't even remember what they were! I bet it had something to do with weight though.

    I love how you just listed them. I need to list mine somewhere where I cna find it a year from now.
  • Poorgirls_Diet
    Poorgirls_Diet Posts: 528 Member
    Well done, the only resolution I had was to lose the 35lbs that I gained over 2011, I did that and added 20lbs on top as well so rather chuffed with myself!
  • KittyViolet
    KittyViolet Posts: 220 Member
    This one is easy! I only had one resolution for 2012: To finally lose all this weight I had accumulated during rough, stressful years of high school and college. I yo-yo'ed throughout my teenage life with weight, but I finally did it! My last weigh-in is going to be January 4 (that's when I officially started making changes) and hopefully my goal to reach 27" will be achieved. :) Feels good, man.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    ^ MY NEW ONE
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    Hey! I went to that Flogging Molly tour this past year too!
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Considering I didn't make any, great.
  • thedreamhazer
    thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member
    My 2012 resolution was to read 52 books -- I finished 40 (including my big book for the year-- "House of Leaves") and am in the process of reading 6 more, but won't finish any of those before 2013. However, I'm chalking it up as a win because I beat 2011 by 3. I have a few resolutions for 2013, but primarily -- attempt 52 books again! Big book for next year is to finish Ulysses ... I'm about 15% of the way through it now (thank you, Kindle) so only about 900 pages to go.
  • Raw_Bean
    Raw_Bean Posts: 293 Member
    Wow great job!! You sound very dedicated and driven! Well done!

    I didn't make any outright resolutions last year. Every holiday season (well after it) seems to be a readjustment phase in terms of health and lifestyle. I mentally told myself I would start fresh with the change in new year - eat healthier, be more active. I did well for the first bit of it, trailed off, back on, trailed off, etc.

    While I didn't lose much this past year my knowledge and understanding has improved. It's an ongoing process. I learned a lot about food and how different foods work differently in your body. Before my focus was simply weight loss in whatever form possible. Learning how food works within your body has been a huge help for me. Especially this current holiday season, I've had the time (being on holidays) to do some research, watch some educational documentaries (hungry for change), and read others experiences.

    All the best to you and whatever your 2013 goals are!
  • desiv2
    desiv2 Posts: 651 Member
    I only had one, and that was to lose weight. I accomplished it, but I'm not where I want to be! I didn't write it down, and my resolution list for 2014 will be longer, so I think I will write it down. Reading yours was an inspiration, congratulations on achieving so much! Good luck in 2014!
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