Buyers regret

I joined a gym last month because I moved to a new city where I don't know anyone. I was sick of going to work and coming home. Now a month later I am having some regrets...i am wondering if I am the only one that this has happened to...


  • ChinniP
    ChinniP Posts: 166 Member
    Probably the vast majority of New Year's resolutioners come end of february or march. :) I only "think" about buing a membership but have not as of yet since I have wonderful exercise machines in my basement feeling lonely as it is.
  • ChinniP
    ChinniP Posts: 166 Member
    But why do you regret it? Not using it? Not meeting anyone? Don't like it?
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    What exactly are you regretting about it? Is the issue that you thought you would meet people there and didn't? That you end up not going and are wasting money?

    I joined a gym when I moved to a new place in order to meet new people, but I made sure I met them by joining a fitness class, rather than milling about the cardio machines and weights.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,124 Member
    What is it that you are regretting? Are you not going to the gym because it's too far away? Do you think it's dirty? Is it too expensive? You can get out of your contract....There is a procedure for rescinding the contract in the paperwork they had you fill out.
  • 66maryellen
    I guess it is all the above...I have not been going....I have not really met anyone....and I would like to go more but after I work out my knees hurt so bad I regret going...but I am stuck there for a year so I will make the best of it.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I guess it is all the above...I have not been going....I have not really met anyone....and I would like to go more but after I work out my knees hurt so bad I regret going...but I am stuck there for a year so I will make the best of it.

    Maybe try a different workout? Does your gym have a pool?
  • 66maryellen
    Yes they do..and I have done aqua fitness. But they only offer that 2 times a week...
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    You might want to get a single session with a personal trainer to help you develop a routine that works and to learn to use proper form. Let that person know that you are having knee pain after you work out. Also, if your gym offers it, consider signing up for a class. People in classes tend to be more into small talk before and after, while people out on the floor tend to be more focused on their exercise regimen.
  • ChinniP
    ChinniP Posts: 166 Member
    Maybe try a different workout? Does your gym have a pool?

    Or do they provide a trainer that can help you figure out the right exercise? otherwise, ya either see if you can get out of the contract or adjust the work out. If whatever you're doing makes your knees hurt then clearly you won't use it. :( But there will be other things you can do.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,124 Member
    I guess it is all the above...I have not been going....I have not really met anyone....and I would like to go more but after I work out my knees hurt so bad I regret going...but I am stuck there for a year so I will make the best of it.

    I think if you just keep going, your knees will thank you in the long run. Being over-weight puts tremendous stress on your joints, and if you are an office worker, you don't get enough other exercise. Do some swimming, even if it's just paddling up and back on the paddle boards, it is good for your knees. Keep going. And unless you get into some classes there, it is hard to meet people at a gym. Do they offer yoga? Ask for a list of classes and start going to some. You'll find something you like.

    Get out there. I know it's hard.
  • tyggerstyx
    tyggerstyx Posts: 3 Member
    I'd suggest getting a heart monitor and using it. You might be training to hard. You want to make sure you are training in zones where you burn fat. I totally understand about your knees. You know the issues I have with mine. I have to change my work out up a lot. Eliptical one day, tread mill the next day and then swim. That way my knees get a break. And work in your weight training in between work out days. The more muscle you build, the more your knees will be supported.

    Don't give up Mary. You've only been at it a short while. It takes awhile to find your way. Does your gym have a personal training program. I know they are expensive, but I signed up for a few just to make sure I was working out correctly and it really helped.
  • workout_junkee
    workout_junkee Posts: 473 Member
    What are you doing for a workout that is hurting your knees? I
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I regretted both Gym memberships I bought in my 20's... I have occasionally bought some yoga or zumba classes here and there and still may do that in 2013. I think gym memberships are only as good as the effort and commitment I make, and I do much better working out at home and walking in sunshine (or the downtown Houston Tunnels)

    I know that my husband gets the most out of a membership with a personal trainer. I would suggest getting a couple of sessions with one.

    And the last month is not a good indicator of people's normal schedules in a gym. Give it another go!

    PS... I have posted this several times,but before I lost my weight I went to a performing arts Doctor who gave me a goal weight before I started running. I am a walking machine combined with yoga/pilates/barre3... if you can get to a sports doctor with a good PT who can help you preserve your joints with injury preventative exercise, it is worth the money. (well, it was to me anyway)
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    If you don't go, you certainly won't make friends there. Sounds like you need to do more upper body work.
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    When I was chubbier, I didn't like the treadmill because it hurt my knees, so I switched to the elliptical, and it burns a ton of calories, with no knee discomfort. I bought my gym membership in Sept 2011, and I was determined to NOT waste my money by not going, so I went....weird motivator, huh? But it has worked.
    You don't have to go full blast the first day in the gym...From Sept 2011 to about april 2012, I really had no plan..sometimes I did cardio, some weight machines some free weights...etc, with no plan. But even with no plan, I saw firmer muscles and less fat...enough that I was motivated to keep going.
    Baby steps steps....
  • Veganniee
    Veganniee Posts: 460 Member
    Yes they do..and I have done aqua fitness. But they only offer that 2 times a week...

    Going twice a week would be better than not going at all. Maybe start with those and see where they take you.
  • zeta30
    zeta30 Posts: 40
    I will second the advice of getting a trainer for a couple of sessions. I know they are mega expensive but if you are new to working out in a gym you may save yourself from a major injury. My wife and I see so many people at the gym using terrible technique and not using the machines properly. We have also seen a few of them get injured so bad that they were not able to come back.

    One of our friends meets with a trainer but only only once a month to make sure she is doing proper exercises and doing them correctly.

    Don't give up on it because working out is a great for your body, (as long as you do it right). You can meet people there as well. That is where I met my wife and where we met our best friends.
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    I bought my gym membership a full year and a half before I started to really use it. I got it soon after having back surgery thinking I would have no weather excuses to not take the recommended walks. But I only went sporadically. Then I joined MFP last summer (right around the time I had decided to quit wasting my money and quit the gym already). It took me a month before I started actually going and now I love it, I'm there 5 or 6 times a week.

    As far as meeting people, I think that would be hard unless you take a fitness class of some kind. My gym is small and doesn't offer classes and most of my fellow gym-goers are in their zone, as I am. Other than brief eye contact and a friendly nod, I don't see much social interaction going on.
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    I have an exercise setup that really fits me. It's about finding something that fits your personal habits. Maybe it is your current gym. Maybe it isn't. Best wishes!