The Gains Project

I am already seeing the posts - on here, and on FaceBook. My New Year's Resolution.... I'm starting again..... I'm going to eat a stick of celery and do a bajillion hours on the ellipitcal, and lose 87 pounds by March.

I didn't really have a resolution. I never stopped. I continue to eat right, to exercise my body, mind and spirit. So I'm not starting over, or starting again with the New Year. BUT - I saw something last night that I thought was AMAZING, and uplifting and inspiring.

The Gains Project.

I think it was for Special K, but I don't know, and honestly, I don't care. It was the message behind it, not the product that got to me. At the start of each new year, we all focus so much on what we need to change. I still need to lose 50 pounds. I need to quit smoking. I need to destress. I need to be more kind, patient, loving, and understanding.

The commercial showed women in Times Square being asked to get on a scale, after they vowed to lose weight in the new year. That number would be published on the Jumbo Tron in Times Square for all of NYC to see. When they did it, something besides a number would pop up. Confidence. Joy. Sass. And a message flashed on the screen - What will you gain when you lose?

I have not stopped thinking about that. Just putting a positive spin on something we all feel so negative about. Yes, losing the extra weight is going to be awesome. Living a healthier lifestyle is awesome. But what do you have to look forward to when you get there. Not the material things like a vacation, or a bathing suit. Soemthing INTERNAL that you are missing in your life that you are looking for by working this hard?

What will you gain, when you lose?

For me, I will gain confidence. I want to feel beautiful about MYSELF for the first time in my life.

Happy New Year, all my MFP peeps! Here's to another year of being successfull, and being one step closer to reaching our goals!