So motivted but seriously restricted . . . I NEED friends!!!

Hi MFPers well under 4 hours left in 2012, sounds like a perfect time to set up a profile and make a fresh start, begin 2013 as we mean to go on!

Anyways Im a mummy to two little girls, Ive signed up for on the first weekend in March with my other half and right now . . . I wouldnt survive it.

My problem is I really enjoy working out once I get going, but only have to slip a little and it puts me off completely the tiniest excuse becomes an unsolvable problem, but hey at least I admit it.

In the past I have enjoyed the ministry of sound workout dvds, 30 day shred, turbo fire and my absolute favourite INSANITY its SO addictive and really does give results fast, I also have the asylum and his hip hop abs to try out, but, here comes excuse number one:
We had to move in with OHs parents short term and there is literally no room, and I do mean literally, there are two rooms with TVs and neither has enough room to lay down without bending my knees, nevermind anything else!

Ive also wanted to try running for ages, I have the zombies run app which sounds amazing, but excuse number two . . . am two ashamed just now and dont feel I can do it in front of anyone.

As for the gym, well excuse number three is genuine, its the cost!

Anyway, like I said I really could do with friends who dont mind giving out a buttkicking when they can see its needed, any requests would be hugely appreciated!

hope to hear from soon of you soon and all the best for 2013!!!


  • disneymomamy
    Hi my name is amy and I could use some help with this as well.friend me if you want :)
  • clwalters
    clwalters Posts: 3 Member
    I'm trying to lose about 40lbs myself and have almost no motivation once I don't see results...add me if you'd like and we can help each other out.
  • ValentineMomma
    ValentineMomma Posts: 51 Member
    Start out slow..or you'll burn out. I requested you as a friend.:)
  • Vercell
    Vercell Posts: 437 Member
    You can add me . There are so many things you can do in little space jumping jacks pushup pull up bar. You can run outside walk outside. When you are ready you will make it happen no matter what.
  • ValentineMomma
    ValentineMomma Posts: 51 Member
    I requested you as a friend. I'll support you, of you can support me.:))
  • Fluffywhip
    I've got 70+ pounds to lose in 2013 so I could use a good friend too! Sending you a request. :)
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Restricted space is no excuse. I googled "how to lose 50 pounds", and the site I entered has a workout that you can do in a small bathroom.
  • healthywtb
    healthywtb Posts: 80 Member
    If your small space is short term, then try things that use less space inside. Some kickboxing DVD's are standing only, and punching can get your heart rate up too. Walking outside is good too. Just do something to keep moving and exercising, even it may not be your "perfect" workout. When more space opens up, then you can start doing what you really like to do. I usually get bored with one type of exercise and switch around a lot. Good luck and great job for posting and getting started again.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    It's at
  • betsy179
    I am 57 year old mom. NO more excuses for me in 2013. Right now I weigh 184 (lost 2lbs this week:drinker: ) It is hard but I know you can do it. Lets do it together. Friend me if you like.Look for ways you can do things, instead of things you can't. You can do it.
  • Mamapengu
    I used excuse #2 for years. But then I decided I had to get out and run despite what others might see or think. That's when I met other runners and not one of those skinny fit people ever said one word to put me down and they are the ones I wanted to look like in the end. So I started to listen to them and ran because it made me feel good and who cares what i looked like. In fact I found a bunch of other overwight people on my runs and meet with some other women a few days a week. Just go out and run or walk and look at the silly people sitting in their cars.

    My issue is the diet part, can't seem to get that doable for long term
  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    I live in a tiny duplex last week I did sprints up and down my tiny narrow hallway touching doors on each end it was a great workout.
  • UtahWalker
    UtahWalker Posts: 29 Member
    Hello, I am trying to loose 45 lbs by the end of 2013. I joined a gym, but I don't go much because I have no transportation. I have discovered that given an area of 4' x 8' I can, with determination, work out enough to maintain my diet and loose weight. Having a TV is a bonus. You can work out with music and videos. In small areas I use exercise bands. With a stack of books I can do stair steps. The idea is, if you are really determined to workout and loose weight nothing can stop you. Use body isometrics, walk, jog and etc. Not having access to a gym, what ever the reason, should not stop you. Use your imagination and use what ever is around you as a prop for exercising. You can do this. Just set your mind to it. If you would like you can add to your friend list. I know from experience than there are days that, for what ever reason, that you just can't focus on getting ahead. That is where a strong group will help you keep going. Good luck to you and just remember, it you really want do this, nothing can stop you.
  • Mizzshy1
    Mizzshy1 Posts: 13 Member
    I am Back at once again I could also use some friends and motivion feel free to add me
  • bluebeta
    Welcome, orginally I signed up two years ago and lost 10 pounds, but lost track and now am at my heaviest weight of all time. I have also changed careers to a more sedentary job than before so now I need motivation. I need to get my diet in order and look for something to help me loose the muffin top I've acquired. Feel free to add me:happy:
  • nemosarah
    nemosarah Posts: 24 Member
    I'm the same were all in this together add me if you like x
  • FrancofilleSC
    FrancofilleSC Posts: 7 Member
    you can add me too! i have limited space as well, and end up moving furniture (a workout in itself) to workout! lol
  • insaniacAnnalise
    Restricted space is no excuse. I googled "how to lose 50 pounds", and the site I entered has a workout that you can do in a small bathroom.

    This is amazing! any chance you can post the URL for me? (and anyone else, im sure lots would be interested!

    As for everyone else Im working my way through you all, sending requests etc, cant believe the response already, this community is GREAT!

    Oh also apologies, but I didnt notice to begin with that some of the requests had messages that would vanish once I accepted so I lost a couple . . . Im not ignoring anyone on purpose, infact Id really appreciate if they could be resent as messages if its not asking too much!
  • insaniacAnnalise
    It's at

    Apologies . . . Im far too eager and hadnt read this far when I asked lol
  • tessbrig
    tessbrig Posts: 1 Member
    I joined a while ago but no success really, looking to start 2013 with a bang so looking to add friends as this is not a popular website in Canada!! 7 hours from 2013 :)