
Hi "myfitnesspal" buddies! My name is Deb and i'm 60 years old (young!) and live in Illinois.

I've been on and off of this site since July in anticipation of Gastric By Pass Surgery, which happened 11/13/12.

I have not always had a weight problem, like so many of you, the weight crept on little by little, tried diet after diet, lost some, gained back more. Finally got to the point where I was 140 pound overweight and so miserable, pain everywhere in my body, unable to function on a daily basis that I began the process of instituting the process to get Gastric By Pass Surgery. So far it's the best thing I've ever done for myself. From the initial weigh in at the MD's office (pre-surgery) to this a.m., I have lost 32 pounds! However, my only disgruntlement (is that a word?) is now that the surgery is over I have NO SUPPORT as to what I'm supposed to be doing. I have this one page sheet of paper listing what to expect, how much to eat, but that's it! In all fairness the surgeon's office does have a support group, but they only meet 1 time a month and won't meet again until January 26th!

So, here I am open to suggestions, friends and insights.