

  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    eApps, I gotta tell you, when I saw the title "UGHHHHHHHhhhhH" I honestly had a feeling it was you. "Like I'm going out to dinner with a friend tonight that i havent seen in a while so I know today is already going to be bad." WHY does that make today bad? You can't make a smart decision at dinner? The restaurant doesn't serve grilled chicken, sirloin steak, steamed vegetables, salad?? "So I just dont care. Im eating a blueberry muffin right now" That's silly. Why not have some oatmeal instead? Then some celery for a snack before lunch. "prob going to get crap for lunch" do you like eating crap? "UGHHHH Im just frustrated with myself yet Im not going to do anything about it." You KEEP saying this. That makes absolutely no sense. You're just going to keep pissing yourself off unless you start making changes. I promise once you start eating HEALTHIER, the CRAP food will not appeal to you at all. I will never again (maybe extremely rarely :wink: ) order steak fries with my steak or fried chicken tender salad with globs of ranch dressing. It just makes me feel like crap these days, and I don't like feeling like crap.

    :heart: meant with love

    I have to totally agree with this. You can't make your whole day crappy because you might have a "bad" meal. This is about a life change. Meaning, it's going to always come up that you have dinner plans with a friend, a date, or even family. But you have to learn how to make smart choices. I'm not saying you can't have a cheat day. Those are okay. But it's true, once you get in the habit of eating healthier, the McDonalds burger and fries might taste good, but you won't want the feeling that comes along with it. It's really something only you can do for yourself. No one else can give you the motivation. We are all here to support you. And I honestly feel like if I can go a month without eating fast food greasy burgers and fries, anyone can do this. So I know you can do it. But YOU have to do it.

    Someone once said that people who say I'll start tomorrow are 9 times less likely to succeed at weightloss than those who say, I'm starting right now. Not worrying about what you already had eaten that day, but deciding at that moment this is it.

    Good Luck!

  • mrsbeck
    mrsbeck Posts: 234 Member
    I totally could have written this fact, I think I've written a couple posts like this in the last couple years. I agree with what a previous poster said...we can't stand by you and smack the blueberry muffin out of your hand. I honestly think that's what I wanted whenever I wrote posts like yours! :happy:

    We're all here for you, and we're all cheering you on and hoping for you to succeed...but at the end of the day, you've got to decide to make the right choices. That's been the hardest lesson for me to learn...that no one else can do this for me, and no one can make me do this. Add me to the list of people who really want to see you succeed at this! :flowerforyou:
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    Last year around this time I started on my way to a healthier life. I joined MFP, exercised daily and within 3 months had lost 30 pounds. We went on vacation to my mother in laws house... they don't have internet access. I thought, "What the hell... I deserve to treat myself". When I came home - I was surprised to learn, I hadn't gained anything. Then we had a wedding to go to, my son's football season started and it was easier to eat out after practice, school started, we all got sick with the flu, yada yada yada... Here I am a year later when I COULD be very close to my goal weight... where am I? My weight loss had been reduced to 9 pounds. I've lost 2 over the last couple of days.

    Don't do this to yourself. If you're going to splurge tonight, fine - plan for that TODAY. Work out an extra 10-20 minutes, eat well for breakfast and lunch. Plan what you're going to eat tonight before you ever go out. You can do this! One bad meal of the day doesn't have to mess everything else up!

    The only one you're cheating is yourself. And no one on here is going to tell you that what you're doing is a good idea.... they're going to jump all over your case because they're all talking themselves out of the same bad decisions