Need Friends desperatley

I have found I am really struggling and have been ever since my father in law passed away last July
I need some friends who are supportive and will give me loads of support, i really want to get this weight off but I feel so alone in doing it, my partner supports me the best he can, I cant afford a gym or anything like that, our income just wont allow it, so I am doing it without access to equiptment.
I don't have anyone else to support me with losing weight so I pretty much rely on MFP. PLZ add me!


  • hi. hugggs. you can add me if you like. i need all the support i can get. and im new here also
  • Noonoo757
    Noonoo757 Posts: 280 Member
    Ill support you. My profile says I have alot of friends however most are no where to be found these days lol.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I'll support you if you want. I work out and exercise in the home and just go for walks. I have a gym membership but its tough to get the time to drive all the way out there just to stand in line for a machine and deal with the lug heads and the Barbies so I just do what I can in the house. I can help you with exercising using house hold items if you like.
  • FourLynne
    FourLynne Posts: 135 Member
    Hi there! I find myself in a financial situation where I can't afford a gym membership either, but I always remembered what someone once shared with me and that is if you're moving then you're exercising. For example, watching TV. Instead of doing it comfortably from your favorite chair or the bed, get up and march in place for 30 minutes and start introducing arm aerobics. I saw this one on a talk lady pulled out cans from her cupboard and use those as free weights, lol. Anything goes with exercise, have a small child make activity time exercise time for you both. Go to your local library and see if they have exercise videos you can rent out. I'm starting over myself and am using Leslie Sandsones walking off the pounds video. Its a beginning. we can do it! :-)
  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    I will be sending you a friend request. I am a stay at home mom of three. I also homeschool them so I am home all the time. I have lost all my weight working out at home with minimal equipment, so it can be done. I started with 115 lbs to lose and I still want to lose another 58 lbs, so I will be here a while. I log in everyday and try to give as much support as I can. I eat normal food. I don't like packaged food so, I make most meals from scratch. I have concentrated on watching my portions and eating more protein. I eat 1610 calories on my non-exercise days and 1800-2000 cals on the days that I exercise. I have really enjoyed MFP and the support I get here. This can be an awesome tool if you use it.
  • jzbornik
    jzbornik Posts: 1 Member
    Two years ago I lost 50 lbs by portion control. I didn't do any sort of formal exercise other than ,my normal daily life. For me at least, diet is about 80% of my success. Since then, ive gained approx. 40 lbs back of all the weight I lost 2 years ago. This time around i've started kickboxing 3-4 times a week. The only reason I've stuck with that is because I have a friend that I go with. I've been exercising religiously since Aug and even though I feel more in shape and I am stronger, I still haven't seen any weight loss...kind of depressing. I guess what they say is true, you cant out train a poor diet:( With all that being said, I too need someone to help me stay on track with my eating and at this point am a big zero in the my fitness pal friends department!
  • well, hello! I'm new here on this site, as well. I am a Certified Pilates trainer and own my own business. Funny as it sounds, it is hard to find the time to exercise when you train people all day. Plus, I put myself out there that I am emotionally exhausted most of the time. I am trying to get myself back on track after losing 70+ pounds 9 years ago. I have been through some interesting life obstacles over the past 5 years that I had to seek psychological help with. But, off my meds now, and yearning to find myself again. I would love to help and be a support for you!
  • michellelhartwig
    michellelhartwig Posts: 486 Member
    You should join the group 2013 Challenge to lose 52 lbs...

    I did! :)
  • cttz
    cttz Posts: 2
    I hear you! Please feel free to add me! I'm new and I need support, too! We can do this together"
  • rbartlett9671
    rbartlett9671 Posts: 193 Member

    Feel free to send me a friend request :) I'll be more than happy to accept :)

  • bigtater1966
    bigtater1966 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm about 4 months in to this myself and while my wife has been SUPER supportive I find I'm needing a little more help also :blushing: Send me an invite if u like
  • I will help support you!! Sending you a FR!
  • I'm really sorry to hear of your family's loss :frown:

    I don't go to a gym, either... just try videos at home or walking at work instead. You can do this... I'd be glad to be counted amongst your MFP buddies! :smile:
  • blacklabelbabe
    blacklabelbabe Posts: 48 Member
    Hello there. I am terribly sorry for your loss. It truely is a struggle in every way. I am new to this site, but I would love to help support you! I don't plan on joining a gym either. Walking my dog and videos and such seem to be what I am leaning towards.
  • GoddessG
    GoddessG Posts: 175 Member
    Hi. I'll try to be there for you.

    I recently bought a heart rate monitor to see what activities give me the best cardio. I found that mowing the lawn (mulching leaves), ironing, vacuuming, folding clothes, emptying the dishwasher, etc are much better for me than other exercises. I can't walk much because it hurts my back too much, but last time I tried dieting (lost 18 lbs and held it there for 2 years), I used Leslie Sansone's walk-aerobics. It helped a lot. I was able to walk after only 6 weeks or so, but now I'm out of shape again. (Need to redevelop those core muscles).

    I also talked to my doctor who prescribed phentermine. The first few days, I felt 20 years younger. Now I'm used to it, but in the beginning, what a delightful surprise. It raises the metabolism and decreases hunger (not that I ate because I was hungry. I usually ate because I was bored). I can only be on it for 12 weeks (by law), so I'm taking advantage of it as best as I can.

    I restarted this diet on Nov 27 (2012) so that by today (1/1/13) I would have a head start. I've lost 23 lbs so far. I know that this playing with the start date is only a head-game, but at least I start the year with less than 100 lbs to go so I'm glad I did. That number seemed so insurmountable.

    I wasn't always fat. I started getting fat only 15 years ago. Now I'm intent on getting back into some of those nice clothes that are still tucked away.
  • ladylu11
    ladylu11 Posts: 631 Member
    feel free to add if you still need more support :)