I'm new and want some friends!!!



  • I am new and hoping that mfp helps me reach my goal! This is totally new to me but I needed something different because nothing else was working and I need to step it up! I have a 15 month old daughter that I need to be a healthy role model for, a husband I want to be sexy for, and clothes I want to feel cute in.

    I'd love to lose 50lbs and meet some new friends along the way! =)
  • You could add me if you like. I started MFP last year and with it's help I lost 50 pounds. I stopped counting calories toward the end of August and with the holidays and football season (lots of beer and pizza) I put 20 pounds back on. This year I am back and although I am heavier than I want to be right now I am still 30 pounds lighter than last year.
  • bexhoke
    bexhoke Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I'm also new - well sort of new. I've tried MFP before but wasn't really dedicated. But now I'm determined to reach my goals and not just end up with another failed resolution! I'm getting married in August and really want to be happy and proud of myself on that day and not have insecurities about my body. I have about 85 lbs to lose and I would love to have some friends as well for support. So please feel free to add me!
  • AshyyMM
    AshyyMM Posts: 131
    I'm in the same boat.. I have about 60lbs to lose.. I've been going back and forth between progress and gaining it all back. I'm 24.. my birthday is in 6months..I'd like to have lost a good chunk of it..and I'd like to hit the goal by next year... Lets see what can happen in a year of dedication..
    Definitely need some motivation..anyone interested in adding me please do!! :)

  • Feel free to add me too! Just started this today and looking for friends. I'm 22 and a college senior. Can't wait to graduate this year. I've tried many times to lose weight but haven't been successful. I'm going to make 2013 my year!!
  • I would like some friends too, I am 26yrs, 5, 8" and would like to lose 28lbs for the summer, ive been working hard for a month or so and lost 14lbs : ) just need to keep it up and would love some MFP friends to work at goals with :)
  • Hi I ve joined today, going to start counting those cals when I get up in the morning, fingers crossed its going to work.