Hello/About Me/ LEANGAINS

pac_ Posts: 57 Member
Decided to start using MFP since I got a new comp and really wanna track my macros daily. Been lifting weights on and off for about 7 years but never had a solid routine or took nutrition too serious untill 2 years ago. After losing my workout partner and not having transportation to the gym I stopped working out about a year and 1/2 ago and gained some extra weight. I was 193lbs the heaviest ive ever been. After finally getting a car last Febuary i got back into the gym and decided i wanted to get shredded since ive always carried alot of extra body fat. My last cut was a disaster, I was training myself into the ground 6 days a week and doing HITT cardio. I got down to 170 but was stuck there for weeks. Ultimatley I broke down and strayed from the diet and quickly gained back some of the weight. This past August I was roaming various websites and came across an article on Intermittent Fasting. I scoffed at the idea of it since I was a "eat every 3 hours or my muscles would fall off" kind of guy, but after some more searching I came across LEANGAINS and it's changed my life. Ive had more progress in the gym in 4 months than all those other years and feeble attempts to get in shape. only mishap ive had so far was a little binger after my power was out for a week due to hurricane sandy. I still fasted but was eating out every day and also added some surplus calories from desserts and what not. On Thanksgiving I ate half a blueberry creme pie and that was my last binge day. I actually gained a little muscle during the mini binge cause of the surplus so I guess i'll cosider that a mini bulk lol. since Nov 24th ive been back on my game and losing about a 1lb a week and retaining muscle mass much better that my last disasterous cut. Anyone else having success with LEANGAINS or other types of IF?


  • I'm a huge follower of the leangains approach to dieting and can say its fantastic for body composition or cutting. Went from 223 lbs to 204 lbs in 3 months while increasing bench by 90 lbs squat by 180 lbs and deadlift by 200 lbs. Most of those strength gains were because I just started lifting again froma long break so newbie muscle gains and muscle memory can have an effect from the past. And I wouldn't say there's anything to worry about when having large binges of food. I've noticed I can go +50% maintence on calories on lift days and get back on track on rest days and still never gain a lb other then water weight. Keep up with it and leangains can take you to single digit body fat. And look at things the way the creator said to "let the good times role" and don't like diet food control your life

    Edit: I'm 6'4" so when I pack muscle on weighing 204 lbs was me being very lean with a very visible 6 pack
  • pac_
    pac_ Posts: 57 Member
    Don't think I will ever eat or train any other way, leangains is great.
  • I definitely agree. I'm a huge eater and eating 3 large meals a day is great even tho I don't log everything I eat onto mfp only because there's certain foods I like to keep track off for health related reasons. But I could never eat 5-6 small meals that leave me craving... I like sitting down and being able to eat 2000 calories right after a workout ;)