Too much protein?


I've been working at eating healthier and exercising since late January and I think I'm doing pretty good. I'm losing weight steadily.

I am concerned that I keep going over on my protein amounts as projected by MFP (even after exercise adds in more for the day!). I'm usually a little under on everything else (but above starving). I eat a lot of fruits and veggies and meats like lean turkey cutlets, tilapia, and chicken breasts. It looks like that is where most of my protein is coming from.

Is it really bad that I'm going over? Should I try to reign it in more? If so, any suggestions on foods that I can eat instead that have lower protein levels?



  • tjjennifer
    I would also like an answer to this, as it happens to me all the time.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    If you do resistance training MFP's protein levels are set pretty low. Go into setting, change goals, custom and up your % of protein. Try increasing it by 5% and either decrease fat or carbs by 5%. If you need to readjust after trying that just go through the same process.
  • etnie81
    MFP generally has your protein levels low. You should be consuming between 0.6 to 0.8 grams of protein per pound of body weight. So say you weigh 180 lbs you would want to shoot for between 108 and 144 grams of protein a day. So I think you are doing fine :-)
  • jennylynn84
    Yes, I definitely go to the weights 2-3 times a week (with my other exercises for the week being just cardio).
  • sheri3762
    HI! It happens to me everyday, but I will say, I've read A LOT of posts one here, and a lot of people believe the protien estimations are to low. I'm also reading that if you work out a lot, especially strenght training, you should eat more protien. So far its working for me. I hit one plateu last month that lasted about 3 weeks. I added more calories and I broke it. I also changed up my usual workouts and added more strength training. If everything I've read is correct (and a lot of people say it is!) then, the increased protien will not hurt you. I'm sure there are limits though as to how much you go over, but I'm somdays over by 30-40. I'm not going to worry about it (yet) because I'm still loosing. I've been on here for 8 weeks now and have lost 17 pounds, so my higher intake of protein must be alright or I wouldn't be doing well. I'm believing this also because I've lost a lot of inches as well. As of yesterday, 6 inches on my hips alone!

    For more information, go back through some older posts and see what others have to say. Also, check out the post by "Banks". His posts are definately helpful! Good luck!
  • mromnek
    mromnek Posts: 325
    I wondered about the whole protein thing myself, because I could not get it under control. So I did what any geek would do, I googled it. Here is what I found:

    Eating excessive amounts of protein will cause a decrease in calcium as a result of the body processing it. While this is not a concern for the young, it could be a concern for those who are susceptible to osteoporosis.

    For my part, I decided that going over in protein isn't "that big a deal" because I am still eating less protein now than I was before MFP, even though I am going over like pouring a swimming pool into a teacup.
  • jennylynn84
    This is pretty good news. I don't go over by a lot, usually on around 10. (Except for today, with a planned dinner of fish its gonna be off the charts.)

    I'm a little upset about the calcium, because, while I am young, being a girl makes me more susceptible to osteoporosis later in life, but I am actually tracking my calcium levels as well because of that. I'll try to give those a boost and get vitamin d to hang onto it.

    Thank you!
  • mromnek
    mromnek Posts: 325
    This is pretty good news. I don't go over by a lot, usually on around 10. (Except for today, with a planned dinner of fish its gonna be off the charts.)

    I'm a little upset about the calcium, because, while I am young, being a girl makes me more susceptible to osteoporosis later in life, but I am actually tracking my calcium levels as well because of that. I'll try to give those a boost and get vitamin d to hang onto it.

    Thank you!

    As always, we are just the peanut gallery. It would be good to do your own checking, and maybe ask your doctor.
  • sweetteacher123
    I always go over my protien also; it is a throwback to when I did Body For Life, which recommends one serving of lean protien and one serving of healthy carbs for every meal. When I started MFP to lose just a couple pounds, I decided to try to cut back on the protien, and I was STARVING without it! Protien helps keep you feeling full longer, especially when paired with good, fiber-rich foods. I would say that unless you have another health issue, as long as you are staying in your calorie allotment and you are working out, eat the lean, healthy protiens. I do.