aprilm_1983 Posts: 22 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm about 5 6-7" 26 years old

What is my Ideal weight? Health wise..... the range?

Anyone know how to figure this out?


  • you can google the BMI and it will give you a weight range it says fot 5 ft 6in 115-150 lbs
  • PaulaDygert
    PaulaDygert Posts: 148 Member
    You can also find it here on MFP under tools there is a BMI calculator.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    the range would be the BMI range and as a simple rule of thumb, just remember it doesn't take into account body type or frame size, is for a woman that is 5' tall should be 100 lbs and add 5 pounds for every inch taller, so at 5'6.5 the "ideal" weight would be 132.5. The same rule applies for men but at 5' should be 106 and add 6lbs per inch so a male at 5'6.5" "ideal" would be 145. Hope this helps.
  • o
  • Aprilm,

    If you go under the tools setting up at the top in myfitnesspal you can enter all your info and it will give you a range that you should fall into. Let me know!:happy:
  • mromnek
    mromnek Posts: 325
    Just a thought: our culture is so preoccupied with weight. Instead, shouldn't we be more concerned about body fat percentage? If we set a point that is the optimal body fat (say 8-10%), we could determine our health by that rather than an arbitrary number on a bathroom scale.
  • AndreeT
    AndreeT Posts: 191
    I was wondering the same thing...

    I recently was having a discussion regarding ideal weight with my massage therapist. I told her that I was looking to lose about 70 lbs. She freaked out and told me that I was insane! She said that there would be no way for me to lose that much as I don't have that much to lose. I then told her my actual weight and she shrugged and continued my telling me that my bone sturcture and my body type that I would never fit the BMI chart but that doesn't mean I am concidered obese. Is there such a thing as being big boned? She agreed with me that losing a few pounds would be good...maybe about 20 or 30...but not 70....

    I am also 5.6" and I am 27 years old.
  • firegirlred
    firegirlred Posts: 674 Member
    BMI is the best indicator of health. BUT... Plugging numbers into an equation online is not a healthy way to figure your BMI. You MUST get it checked by a professional (or at least someone who knows how and has the right equipment).

    My BMI is off by a percent or two because I carry more muscle than the "average" 5'4" woman. I'm a firefighter. So don't rely on internet data too much. Get a professional to evaluate you.
  • mromnek
    mromnek Posts: 325
    BMI is the best indicator of health. BUT... Plugging numbers into an equation online is not a healthy way to figure your BMI. You MUST get it checked by a professional (or at least someone who knows how and has the right equipment).

    My BMI is off by a percent or two because I carry more muscle than the "average" 5'4" woman. I'm a firefighter. So don't rely on internet data too much. Get a professional to evaluate you.

    Absolutely right regarding using a tape measure to calculate %BF. The US Navy calculation is not accurate in the least. At my healthiest, the US Navy measured me at 26% BF, while the caliper method measured me at 13% BF.

    IMO someone who is getting to around 75% of goal weight loss should have either caliper or hydrostatic body fat measurement taken, then establish a "real" target weight based upon %BF.
  • I'm 5'6 and my ideal weight is supposedly 136.... but I was skinny once at 145 and I couldn't imagine being less than that
  • aprilm_1983
    aprilm_1983 Posts: 22 Member
    Awesome; thanks everyone.

    I am 135 even right now; but I think I would love to be closer to the lower part of my BMI calculator :-) So I'm gonna go with 125 MAYBE I'll be ok with 130. So I have either 5 pounds to lose or 10

    THANKS guys, great help!!!!!
  • firegirlred
    firegirlred Posts: 674 Member
    I would love to be 5'6" and 135!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    More power to you to do it!!!!!!!!
  • I am 5'8 and am 165ish - acording to the BMI I am "overweight" by about a half a pound :laugh: (I havent been this low since about 13years old! - still hoping for another 15-20lbs gone but wont worry if I cant do it!) - I dont really like the BMI - its kinda like IQ tests - standardized - and standardized testing does not take into account the individual. Talk to a GP about it. The other thing to take into account is that you can be "overweight" and healthy. Yes a couple of extra pounds arent optimal - but you can still be a healthy and happy person if you have an extra 20lbs. I have a very good friend who is 40lbs overweight by the BMI - but she is a mountain biker and a volunteer fire fighter - she is SOLID! She looks overweight and according to the scales she is - but she is a very healthy very active person.
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