Group Motivation Wanted!

Hi there! So I'm not exactly "new" to MFP. I've been on here on and off for a little over a year now. I started at 177lbs and after being so committed to proper dieting and gym. I started off with two a days, then worked out at a military training facility once I started getting into shape. Well to make a long story short I shed a lot of weight and started putting on muscle and loved the results! Summer rolled around and I started going to the beach instead of the gym and slowly started getting comfortable and lazy. I was down to 139 at my lowest and now am back to 154! I would love to meet some new people who are in either the same situation or a similar one, or someone who is just really committed and would like to have someone who motivates them do workout and log in daily.
Thanks a bunch, and Happy New Year everyone! :)