Trying To Find A Balance

I joined my fitness pal back in October. But completely forgot that I had joined. I'm a 51 year old female. Back then I weighed 238 pounds. I recently found my fitness pal again. And after being sent an e-mail by my fitness pal telling me what my user name was, I decided to update my weight and start tracking my everything again. As of today-January 1, 2013, I weigh 265 pounds. It's 2:23pm and so far today, I've done 5-5 minute sessions on my recumbent stationary exercise bike. But I've only had 290 calories today. A 60 calorie yogurt at 6am this morning and a 290 calorie sub from Subway at 10am this morning. I know that I need to eat more, but I'm just not hungry. I may not eat again for the rest of the day and go to bed about 6pm or 7pm tonight. Then I'll get up at 4am in the morning and have 1 or 2 cups of black coffee with 4 packets of the generic brand of Equal. Then exercise. Which for me is to ride my recumbent stationary exercise bike for 5 minutes. Take a break, then ride 5 more minutes. Do that over and over again till I have 30 minutes total done for the day. Eventually I want to work up to 1 hour total a day on my recumbent stationary exercise bike. I know that I need to lose weight and have tried in the past. But every time I try to lose weight I either way over eat when it comes to calories or way under eat. I want to find a balance, but I either don't know how or I'm scared to. When I under eat and take in too few calories, I usually limit myself to 800 calories a day. If I go over 800 calories in one day, I tell myself that I'm a big fat pig and that I don't need or deserve to eat more than 800 calories in one day. I know that I can't be helped. Thanks for letting me vent. Happy New Year everyone.


  • nanainkent
    nanainkent Posts: 350 Member
    Bumping to get you on top again
  • mygrl4meee
    mygrl4meee Posts: 943 Member
    I can never understand how anyone who has overate can switch things around and eat too little. I just don't have that kind of will power to eat so little nor do I want to do it. Is it possible for you to take the mental stuff out of the picture and just follow the calorie goals that this site gives you to eat. I have lost my 46 lbs by eating right at goal, slightly under goal and slightly over goal. It helps that I have a good exercise pattern set up to the point that I don't feel normal if I don't get some form of a workout in.

    I think it's great that your starting to work out and encourage you to keep that up. Good luck. I think beating the mental issues with weight loss is half the battle. We are the hardest critics on ourselves.
  • kayduro
    kayduro Posts: 249 Member
    I'm sorry you are so hard on yourself. You really need to stop the negative self talk. Every time negative thoughts enter your head, say STOP! And immediately change that around by telling yourself the truth: I am worthy and capable of reaching my goals...I am successful and can do this....I strive to improve my health one day at a time with healthy (not 800 calories) diet and exercise. You get the idea. It really does work! Set small goals along the way. You have a great goal set already. To ride your recumbent bike for one hr per day. Set more goals, follow the MFP recommendations for calorie intake and you've got this! It really is that simple! Friend me if you like!