Work out buddies in Derbyshire

Any one out there from Derbyshire area? I am looking for some work out buddies.

I am not new to weight loss, I lost 99lbs over three years and maintained for two. I let things slide in the last three months or so after some personal issues and gained a little back but am now back on track and am looking to lose around 15 more pounds.

I would love some local friends who are as into fitness as I am - running especially. None of my offline friends are really interested and always wish I had more that were - people to go on bike rides with, enter races, go try out new gym classes with etc.

Even if you aren't from Derbyshire or into running please feel free to add me as a friends if you think we could help each other in any way :)


  • SarahFaith1211
    SarahFaith1211 Posts: 21 Member
    Sorry, don't live there but I would love to have MyFitnessPal friends to encourage me to hit the gym. I try everyday to run/walk for at least 20 min a day, I'd love motivation to increase my time!