hello. i'm new and need some help.

Hello everyone. Sorry i don't know how to do the picture thing yet.
I will be 50 in Feb. i have decided this is my year to do for me.
Just left a 31 year marriage. I will servive.
Here is little back ground. I have no thyroid had cancer so I got rid of , I have RA, exercise induced asthema, had one knee surgery, will have both replaced later ( i will be lighter so healing will be quicker). So that is my normal medical problem.
right now i am in bed with Phnomia (sp?) So no workout this week. I belong to the Y and do water exercise and next week ( if i get over this that soon) i will learn what i can do as far as machines. i really need your support and any idea that will help.. I am looking for a place to figure up weekly menus too. Thanks for reading i hope to hear from you. Vickie0224