Too Young To Feel This Old

Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my life. On Mother's Day, May 13, 2012, my beautiful 28-year-old daughter died. Since then I've packed on 25 pounds. I've been stuffing my face just trying to numb the pain. Not only has the pain not gone away, I look horrible and I feel even worse. I was already about 20 pounds overweight and now I have even more to lose. I made up my mind to get off this ride that's going nowhere on December 22nd when one of my grandsons wanted me to get in the floor with him to play with one of his trucks and I struggled to get down there and then get back up. I want to get in shape and be healthy enough to be around to tell Conner, Colin, and Caleb what a great person their mother was. My "lifestyle change" starts in the morning!