Need of supporters

I'm in need of friends who can help push me to stick to my goals with my weight loss. My name is Tanya and I'm a 36 year old mom of 1. I want to be able to get my energy back and be outside with my daughter and be able to play with her without getting tired. I have diabetes, high cholesterol and high triglycerides and want to be able to get all my numbers down by shedding off some of this weight. I'm at my highest weight of 164 and I'm so embarrassed by it. I don't like my daughter or husband to see too much of my body exposed due to the fact I have all this weight. I'm tired of feeling disgusted with how I look and it's time to take a stand and I need help from people who will help push me.


  • I can push you if you can do the same for me!
  • bdenitto
    bdenitto Posts: 210 Member
    I am 37 and I have a 17month old daughter. I want to set a great example for my daughter and I want to be able to chase her around. I joined MFP in August and I am down 48 pounds. I have a lot more to lose but I am on my way. You can do this! I am sending you a friend request.
  • Right there with you! Add me and we can work together.
  • HeatherSanto
    HeatherSanto Posts: 138 Member
    Feel free to add me. That goes for anyone on this thread. You all are really serious and that is awesome!

    I'm here 145 days so I'm not going to be here and then gone. I'm down 77lbs ( MFP shows less because I started losing before I found this). I'm always posting healthy recipes and motivational pics on FB too so we can hang there too. Here is my FB addy :

  • Hi Tanya,
    You are describing how I was feeling 3 yrs ago. I too wanted more energy to play with my daughters. You can do it.
    I'm looking for new friends. I'm sending you a friend request.
  • Thanks to all of you. It's good to know I have a lot of encouragement here