Day off from working out?

I was recently talking to the owner of the gym where I work, and she doesn't subscribe to the notion that you need a day off from working out. I've heard different things from different people, and was wondering what everyone thinks...?

Here is my workout schedule. I've lost 50 lbs in the last year, and gunning to lose 20 more.

Monday I teach 2 hours of Zumba, 1/2 hour pole fit, 1 hour weight training
Tuesday 1 1/2 hours Zumba
Wednesday OFF
Thursday 2 hour zumba, 1 hour weight training,
Fri 1/2 hour pole, 1 1/2 hours zumba
Saturday 1 hour weight training, 1 1/2 hours Zumba
Sunday 1 hour zumba.

any advice?


  • Mellie13
    Mellie13 Posts: 424
    Sorry no advice, just wow. You rock!
  • metalpalace
    The only time a day off is really important is if you're anaerobically training every day. If you're just doing aerobic type stuff you can workout every day. To just say that you should or shouldnt take a day off once a week without discerning aerobic from anaerobic is a very incomplete thing to say. Your routine looks fine to me :)
  • ractayjon
    You can "workout" everyday - you can do cardio work everyday (run, treadmill, eliptical, aerobics classes, yoga etc) but you should give your body a break in between weigth lifting sessions -- you can still do it everyday but not work the same muscle groups day after day. At least that is what I have been led to believe.
  • abbie38
    abbie38 Posts: 128
    thanks for the advice. I just find that I need a day to just veg. Okay. NEED is a strong word. Let's go with WANT ;)
  • HOSED49
    HOSED49 Posts: 665 Member
    I believe the reason for the days off from workouts for weigh lifting is that you have to give your body (muscles) time to recover from being broken down over and over. I would think that the same principle would apply wether it would be aerobic or not. If your body is telling you it needs a break then listen to it as overtraining is an issue and will force your body to store fat due to higher cortisone leves aka stress. Not to mention the stess on your joints and tendons. But that is my personal opinion. When I lifted weights religiously I found that it was sometimes a good thing to take a week off to recover. Bad thing was I felt like I was cheating on the gym, felt like I had to take it roses when I returned LOL. Listen to your body though anad it will reward you in the long run.