OMG...I feel like I'm gonna die....

Ok, I pretty much feel like im gonna die right now. I'm nauseous, I'm really shaky, and I feel completely blech after my first workout in years. I got the shred seeing as everyone was suggesting it and I gotta say. It totally kicked my *kitten*. I didn't realize I was THAT out of shape. I had to stop several times and laying on my tailbone hurt like hell. Apparently I can't reach my foot from behind to do one of the cool down stretches. I found it super hard overall. Funny, because I watched it after I got it last night and it didn't look that bad. I take back that thought now....I think I will be on level 1 for a good period of time. Anyone else with over a hundred pounds to loose find it totally difficult? Should I start with something a less intense or just suffer through it?

Great, I was typing this post and was ignoring my husbands I'M's and he said, "are you alive?", "should I call 911?" I was posting damnit! lol. Nice he thinks it's gonna kill me though. Anyways, moving on. How many times should I do this every week? I have been sitting at my desk for 4 years and have been completely inactive for years...I don't want to end of having a heart attack or something...she says 400lb ppl do this so I should be able to right? right?


  • pawprint061
    I am not that over weight, but it kicked my butt too. I only plan on losing like 40-50 pounds and I've lost 30 already but it still kicked my butt. I had to stop too the first time I did it several times. But the more you do it, the more you get used to it... I still have problems with it but that's mostly because of my knees... hang in there.
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Maybe you should start with one of the other Biggest Loser workouts - then after a month or 6 weeks of that go back to the Shred?? Don't want you keeling over! I'm not brave enough to get the Shred yet! I have the BL workout video and just got 30 day jumpstart also with Bob. Jillian skeers me :embarassed:
  • gnme4243
    gnme4243 Posts: 120
    I am laughing right now, not at you I promise! but because I am currently on day two of the Shred, and feel your pain, lol. I told my husband last night Jillian was a Nazi- of course not really, but dang, I definitely feel muscles that I didn't know existed. I was wondering last night at the store if I was actually going to be able to stand, as opposed to fall every time I took a step!

    Don't feel bad, honestly- if you haven't been exercising, what you're feeling is not abnormal. I walk/hike about 3 miles a day and have been for the past 8 weeks or so, sometimes 5 or 6 miles, and when I did the shred yesterday she kicked my butt. I didn't want to do it today, but I made it through, and managed the treadmill after.

    You can do this, but you also should listen to your body, if you need to do it every other day the first week or so, or pace yourself in the exercises, do that. The last thing you want is to overdo so much that you can't exercise at all, something is better than nothing at all, and alot better than a trip to the hospital for injury!

    Hang in there!! And know you are definitely NOT alone in this! :flowerforyou:
  • Chantelle160
    I would maybe suggest starting out with walking for 30 mins a day. I find the 30 day shred hard and I only have 30 pounds to loose. I'm no Doctor but I don't think shaking and feeling nauseous is a good thing. Maybe you should talk to your doctor about what your best options are before you start working out just to be safe.:)
  • jzbaby626
    There is a quote "The best exercise is the one you will do." If it is too intense for you right now & will cause you to stop working out, then try something less intense until you get in a little better shape. If you feel like you can push through and just modify some of the moves, more power to ya. Just be careful not to push too hard and injure yourself, then you wont be able to do any workout. Do whatever feels right for you. Good Luck :flowerforyou:
  • exercisediva
    Push yourself! YOU CAN DO IT! I would do it 3 days a week and allow yourself a rest day in between. I feel like that sometimes when i dont work out for a weekend :sad:

    Just get your mind right, focus and work it out!
  • flinchyny
    flinchyny Posts: 106 Member
    I tried that once and survived 8 minutes before I thought I was going to keel over. In fact, I remember that workout vividly, since I felt so miserable afterward (or after the 8 minutes of it, as it were). And I *do* exercise (albeit not as much as I should, or as often), and only have about 10 extra pounds on me.

    If you are new to exercise, I would strongly suggest doing something easier -- ideally, walking briskly, or biking (a stationary bike would be great, for example).

    Congrats on beginning to exercise!
  • Anita1271
    I totally understand where you are coming from. When I started the Shred in January, it too kicked my *kitten* & still does. But I knew if I stick too it, it will work. I like Jillian, she does scare me, but she knows what she is doing and is really dedicated to helping people. I'm STILL on level 1 myself, and have been doing it 3 times a week for over a month now. And I still have to take breaks too, I just get so out of breath. Your body will adjust, and by feeling shaky and sick, I personally think is OK, you'll get over that hurdle. When you watch Biggest Loser, they feel the same way and do get sick, but Jillian and Bob are there telling them to keep on. Just make sure you drink water during the workout too!! GOOD LUCK!!! :smile:
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    When I started exercising again after a long inactive period, I went to some cross-training classes that are lot like the Shred. The instructor showed us some modifications that I still rely on: for jumping jacks, just do side-to-side stepping. For jumping rope, just do calf raises. Try to do at least some of the moves all-out, but take it down whenever you find yourself gasping. You will still burn calories and you will still improve your strength.

    I'm with ya though on the pain..I started the Shred on Monday and I'm in is NOT an easy workout so give yourself tons of props for doing it, and know that it will pay off. I sure hope it pays off lol or I'm gonna be pissed about all this soreness!
  • kimmrdodge
    kimmrdodge Posts: 190 Member
    Thanks for all the support guys, I'm feeling a little better now. I did want to start with walking and whatnot but it's still winter here and I really don't want to go out in the cold and snow lol. I haven't been able to talk my husband into a treadmill or bike yet, hopefully he will cave soon. I think I'm gonna try some of the other dvd's and maybe alternate between this one and an easier one so that I'm resting those muscles in between. I don't know I'm sure I will figure out the best set up for me, all I know is day one of exercising was pretty intense.

    I forgot to mention this before because I was so tired after. But my 4 year old daughter did the entire thing with me, and she was really listening and doing most of it. I didn't even ask her to come do it with me so it was pretty cute. The whole way through these are some of the things she said....."common mom lift your can do mom....lay on the floor....keep moving.....your doing GREAT! (she yelled this serveral times)......arms up!.......she was doing it herself and making sure I was doing It was pretty darn cute, who knew she naturally had the ability to encourage and support like that????

    When we were done, she wanted to keep going. She said it was soooo much fun. She was kinda upset I turned it off. I eventually talked her into the fact that we would do some more tomorrow. That made her feel on the other hand...not so much.....

  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Thanks for all the support guys, I'm feeling a little better now. I did want to start with walking and whatnot but it's still winter here and I really don't want to go out in the cold and snow lol. I haven't been able to talk my husband into a treadmill or bike yet, hopefully he will cave soon. I think I'm gonna try some of the other dvd's and maybe alternate between this one and an easier one so that I'm resting those muscles in between. I don't know I'm sure I will figure out the best set up for me, all I know is day one of exercising was pretty intense.

    I forgot to mention this before because I was so tired after. But my 4 year old daughter did the entire thing with me, and she was really listening and doing most of it. I didn't even ask her to come do it with me so it was pretty cute. The whole way through these are some of the things she said....."common mom lift your can do mom....lay on the floor....keep moving.....your doing GREAT! (she yelled this serveral times)......arms up!.......she was doing it herself and making sure I was doing It was pretty darn cute, who knew she naturally had the ability to encourage and support like that????

    When we were done, she wanted to keep going. She said it was soooo much fun. She was kinda upset I turned it off. I eventually talked her into the fact that we would do some more tomorrow. That made her feel on the other hand...not so much.....


    I'm laughing so hard at this! My 5 yo daughter is the same. She likes to try to do my tapes with me if she wakes up. AND she points out when I'm not doing it "right". LOL. I can still do more squats then she can though :tongue:
  • spikess
    spikess Posts: 113 Member
    I've just went and ordered the shred dvd. i'm kind of excited and nervous lol. i'll be thrilled if i do actually lose 20lbs!!
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    my kung-fu teacher used to tell us that pain is weakness leaving the body... LOL

    the first one is the worst, but if you stick to it, it will get better, definitely!!!!
    Good for you, keep it up!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Thanks for all the support guys, I'm feeling a little better now. I did want to start with walking and whatnot but it's still winter here and I really don't want to go out in the cold and snow lol. I haven't been able to talk my husband into a treadmill or bike yet, hopefully he will cave soon. I think I'm gonna try some of the other dvd's and maybe alternate between this one and an easier one so that I'm resting those muscles in between. I don't know I'm sure I will figure out the best set up for me, all I know is day one of exercising was pretty intense.

    I forgot to mention this before because I was so tired after. But my 4 year old daughter did the entire thing with me, and she was really listening and doing most of it. I didn't even ask her to come do it with me so it was pretty cute. The whole way through these are some of the things she said....."common mom lift your can do mom....lay on the floor....keep moving.....your doing GREAT! (she yelled this serveral times)......arms up!.......she was doing it herself and making sure I was doing It was pretty darn cute, who knew she naturally had the ability to encourage and support like that????

    When we were done, she wanted to keep going. She said it was soooo much fun. She was kinda upset I turned it off. I eventually talked her into the fact that we would do some more tomorrow. That made her feel on the other hand...not so much.....


    Hey your daughter's encouragement sounds super cute! And, GOOD FOR YOU for deciding to make some changes!!! Can't tell you how amazing you're going to feel as you keep sticking with this. :flowerforyou: If you're interested in an indoor walking routine - I've heard that Leslie Sansone has "Walk Away the Pounds" - and i've seen that it works well for fellow MFPers.

    That being said, don't let yourself be boxed in to thinking you can only do something "easy". You can do whatever you put your mind to - just keep believing in yourself. You can do it!
  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    I did L1D3 today and am still so sore. I walk/jog 5 miles 5 days a week and have been for years...on an incline. I thought my leg muscles were good. WRONG. I have to go down the steps sort of sideways and I limp when I walk! haha. My thighs are still SO SO sore. I've made it though all 3 days, and it does get easier...just waiting for the soreness to tame itself. I may take tomorrow off to let my muscles rest.

    Don't give up though. If you need to take it slow, then take it slower. You can do it though. Listen to your body. :) It will all be okay!
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    Kicked my butt the first few times I did it. I started out my journey at 245 pounds with Walk Away the Pounds and the first Biggest Loser dvds. I would probably try something like those first before 30DS.
  • tlapdx72
    tlapdx72 Posts: 311 Member
    I started out needing to lose around 100 lbs too. I have so far lost 40 lbs. I would suggest starting out slow with walking for maybe 15 minutes. Set goals for each week to work your way up. When I first started I had a hard time making for 20 minutes. now I can workout for an hour and 30 minutes. If you start out with too much I think you will get discouraged. It is hard in the beginning, but it is so worth it!!! I feel great now! I joined a gym, and it has helped me workout longer, because once I get there I have no distractions. I listen to my music, and get into my zone. I feel that my gym membership is wonderful. Good Luck in your journey. You can do this!
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I do Richard Simmons videos. I've done them since November and have lost about 16 pounds. I tried some harder videos but I developed some hamstring pain and I feel like if my exercise is hurting me I'm not going to do it. The videos I do get me moving and they don't hurt me. I think I'm ready to try some more challenging stuff once or twice a week but I won't do anything that makes me sick or hurts me.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Keep going you can do it. Look at the contestants at Biggest Loser they don't gradually work up to 2-4 hours of exercise they jump right in and DO IT!:smile:
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    IMHO :flowerforyou:

    I agree with the above post stating what good is "Feeling like dieing" and then not doing it again. :ohwell: Being that it's winter and you can't get outdoors just yet, definately "modify" those moves. Maybe visit the library and borrow a "Walk Away the Pounds". What good is it if you hurt yourself... The Biggest Loser Constestants are being Medically Supervised. Also, make sure you are eating enough to Fuel your workout. If i ever felt Dizzy while working out I would immediately lower my heart rate. Your heart is already working hard maintaining the "extra" weight. I say this in the most caring way :flowerforyou: It's just common sense... you need to build up your stamina. I believe "Slow and Steady" can be applied to exercise as well.