HI, New here and have a couple of questions about sugar and

JKanaan Posts: 8
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss

I am new to the site ( day 3) and I have a question about my daily sugar allotment.. I went over yesterday, slightly, but most of my sugar intake was in fresh fruit.. How important is it to keep the sugar amount on track, and does it matter if the sugars are coming from vegtables and fruits?

Also, because I have started Jillian Michaels its allowing me more calories now.. I thought that was odd, because isnt it just a bonus if I excercise ? I thought it I added exercise on top of my daily calorie intake, it would be an added bonus for losing weight, not a green light to eat more??



  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I try to keep my sugar below the alotment, but as long as it's mostly natural, unprocessed, fruit sugars, I dont' worry too much.

    MFP creates a deficit for you and the idea is to maintain that deficit (not increase it). So, MFP adds your exercise calories to your total to keep the deficit exactly. Another reason to eat those calories is to replenish your body for the exercises you did. Some people don't eat theirs or only eat part of theirs and it works for them. That could be because unless they have a heart rate monitor and know their exact TDEE (total daily energy expenditure), it's all a very imprecise guesstimate. Just make sure, whatever you do, that you give your body enough food to stay healthy.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I try to keep my sugar below the alotment, but as long as it's mostly natural, unprocessed, fruit sugars, I dont' worry too much.

    MFP creates a deficit for you and the idea is to maintain that deficit (not increase it). So, MFP adds your exercise calories to your total to keep the deficit exactly. Another reason to eat those calories is to replenish your body for the exercises you did. Some people don't eat theirs or only eat part of theirs and it works for them. That could be because unless they have a heart rate monitor and know their exact TDEE (total daily energy expenditure), it's all a very imprecise guesstimate. Just make sure, whatever you do, that you give your body enough food to stay healthy.

    That's a great answer, Stormie! :)
  • krissybohaczyk
    krissybohaczyk Posts: 48 Member
    I actually had trouble with this recently. I decided to become a vegetarian and in an effort to make sure I get all the nutrients I need I was eating alot of (along with other things) fruit. I actually gained a little weight even though I was eating more fruit and veg. than I've eaten in a long time. Fruit sugar, while it's sooo much better than sugar in processed food, is still sugar. When I cut down just a little on my fruit and upped my veg servings, things leveled out. Sorry to ramble, hope that helps.
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