I need some encouragement that this will really work!

Hi everyone! I just started this week and need some input from people who have been using this a while and had success just using this program. Not on Nutrisystem, Weight Watchers (not that both of them aren't great) or anything like that. Simply doing this by themselves without professional help. I'd like to use this website by itself and have it work. I've tried sooo many things (mostly crummy fad diets) and nothing has really worked for me. I'm in desperate need of encouragement.


  • doyoga
    doyoga Posts: 20
    This has worked for me, I've lost 22 lbs to date! At first I wasn't even working out, and lost 10 lbs simply by counting calories and being more aware of the choices I was making and portion sizes. Than I realized it was unrealistic that I would keep loosing without working out, and started using Wii Fit, and walking more. Now I'm only 5 lbs away from my goal - LOVE myfitnesspal.com!
  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
    Hey there! I've been using this site for 2 and a half weeks and it's literally changed my life. I'm not using any program or professional help either. Just me and the site. I have to work out at home because I have 1 and a half year old twins. I do not believe in dieting, it doesn't work. You have to make honest lifestyle changes that you will stick with. Welcome to MFP, we're all here for you!
  • trudyu
    I started using this website Jan. 2010 because I was working out 3 times a week and not losing a lb. I was frustrated about putting in the sweat but not getting any glory. Secretly, I knew I wasn't losing weight because of all the snacking I was doing.

    This website helps me to see what I am doing foodwise to sabotage myself and helps me to stay on track. This site only works by being honest while filling out the food diary - trust me there were some days I didn't want to log that bag of MM's that I ate. But just try harder the next day - we all need to splurge sometimes.

    I have lost 10lbs so far.....I do work out 3x a week for 60 min each....I am not near my goal but it is a start. I hope you see those first 4 lbs fall off and then be motivated to keep it up. Everyone on this website is so encouraging. Good luck.
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    I came back last month after a hiatus and I've lost 7 pounds already, in only 5-ish weeks. So it may not be fast, but I promise it'll work!
  • profjan6
    profjan6 Posts: 333
    I am so happy I found this thread! I also just started this journey and would love to keep reading all these success stories. What do you all do when you have a "bad" day or "bad" meal? Also would like to know how some of you handle eating out. That is a tough one for all of us, I'm sure!
  • krissybohaczyk
    krissybohaczyk Posts: 48 Member
    :happy: Thanks so much everybody for your responses so far. It was just what I needed. I feel soo much better and have more confidence that this time I'll finally lose this weight. Thank you thank you thank you thank you!:smooched:
  • pressica
    pressica Posts: 361
    Although I am still pretty new to this whole MFP way, I just wanted to recommend that you check out SUCCESS STORIES in the message boards. There is some great motivation in there including before and after pictures. Whenever I feel like I can't do it, I just marvel over all of the many people have lost the weight in safe ways and have been able to keep it off. Good luck to you!!!
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    I am so happy I found this thread! I also just started this journey and would love to keep reading all these success stories. What do you all do when you have a "bad" day or "bad" meal? Also would like to know how some of you handle eating out. That is a tough one for all of us, I'm sure!

    If I have a bad day (or couple of days, ha ha) I never say "oh well, I'll do better starting tomorrow." I always say "I'll do better starting right now!" As for eating out we don't often, but I always plan ahead and choose a menu item before I go so I know exactly how many calories I'll be eating, and exercise accordingly. I need to treat myself once in a while.
  • ractayjon
    Ive just been doing this site (and exercise) and have lost 15 pounds since Jan 4. Yes, it really works!
  • sunshineshardz
    I have been here almost a week and am down 4 lbs! I love that I can see everything I eat and plan my days food intake properly (with a small margin of error lol) I didn't realize just how much my snacking was adding up, even if it was what I consider "healthy snacks" (ie: pickles, cheese, nuts, etc..) The journal helps me to stay on track, and yes some days I go over my calories, butmost days I'm under and honestly NOT starving myself :) It helps you to make better chioices I find.

    I also don't go to a gym and work out on my wii fit and by walking my dogs (which in the winter is hard and doesn't get done daily :p)

    I wish you the best of luck and I will be here for you!! :happy:
  • doyoga
    doyoga Posts: 20
    I am so happy I found this thread! I also just started this journey and would love to keep reading all these success stories. What do you all do when you have a "bad" day or "bad" meal? Also would like to know how some of you handle eating out. That is a tough one for all of us, I'm sure!

    When I have a bad day or bad meal, I just remember that tomorrow is a new day. At first I would beat myself up about it, but then I realized that everyone has bad days, and as long as you start fresh the following day, it isn't a big deal in the long run.

    Eating out is definitely the hardest part, luckily for me I am a student so I don't get out to restaurants much. When I do though, I just plan for it, either cut out my usual snacks, have a lighter lunch or consider it to be a "treat day" and enjoy it - than work out super hard the next day!
  • ttfit2
    ttfit2 Posts: 54 Member
    Krissy, you have come to the right place. Like was said before, diets don't work, but a lifestyle change will. Write down your goals on paper. I find that helps me a lot. Planning is key also. No one plans to fail, but that is what happens when you don't plan your meals and track/log your food. You cannot work out bad eating.

    You've taken the first step, now just keep going. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!:bigsmile:
  • louman3
    I started right after the new year and have lost 12 lbs. Like many (most?) others on this board I tried working out without watching my food intake (other than the obvious things like do not eat fries or fried chicken) and always managed to gain weight. To the extent you want any advice, I offer the following based on my own experience:

    1. Track as much of your food intake as possible. It is the little things like a handful of gummy bears here or a girl scout cookie there that add up. I just made my diary public today because I thought I would be more likely to admit that I exceeded my calorie goals (i.e. not cheat) if no one else saw. Keeping on plan is really tough at first, so do not beat yourself up for exceeding.

    2. Track all of your exercise. I track the strength (even though I do not give myself any calorie credit for it) and it keeps me motivated to do one more pull up or 5 more push ups every week or so. I started without being able to do 10 pull ups, but now do 2 sets of 21 each day.

    3. Set your initial goal realistically and then keep adjusting them as you make progress. I stsarted at 1.5 lbs a week, but switched to 1 lb after the first few lbs came off. It is just too hard to stay within the calorie limits at the higher loss rate for months at a time.

    4. Do not skip meals. I know everyone says this, but I used to do it anyway. It is much easier to stay on target if you are never starving.

    5. Finally, go ahead and start measuring your food to make sure the caloric values are correct for your meal. I drive my wife nuts by counting out chips or chocolate almonds, but if I just kep eating until I thought I had about the right amount I am sure I would always go over.

    This really is a powerfull tool. I wish you the best of luck!
  • TnTHawkins
    TnTHawkins Posts: 285 Member
    This site is great. Tracking what foods you eat is the main factor and then exercise. Several years ago I used another tool similar to this to track my food and exercise and lost 50 lbs. I have since put it back on because I stopped tracking the foods I eat, stopped exercising and then started eating fast food. The results will be there if you watch what you eat, drink lots of water and exercise. Any doctor will tell you that and I never go see the doctor. I will make an appointment and get a full check-up once I reach my goal weight to see what my levels of everything.

    One thing that I really enjoy about this site is the friends that I have made that support and modivate me to continue.

    Good Luck to you.

  • kcfva122
    Believe me, I have tried just about every diet that's out there. I've lost tons of weight but gained it all back. With MFP it doesn't feel like a diet. I know I'm eating not just the right foods, but the right amount - that's the key! It has become a lifestyle change that I want to continue. :smile:

    Logging in my food and exercise every day makes me feel like someone is watching and encouraging me to do the right thing - even when I'm tempted - and I'm tempted a lot!!

    My ticker shows that I've lost 14 pounds, but it's really 24. I went to the doctor and found out my home scale is 10 lb light :frown: - so I made the adjustment.
  • Sarandipity
    Sarandipity Posts: 1,560
    I started actually using the site religeously at the end of January 2009. I am now down 96lbs. I have followed the calories allowed and eaten back my exercise calories and it has worked for me. The main thing is to hold yourself accountable. :flowerforyou:

    Good luck! If I can do it anyone can :laugh:
  • wildjoker81
    wildjoker81 Posts: 16 Member
    If you use the log and do it honestly it makes you accountable for all the garbage you put into your body. I used to hork down crap without even taking a breath not realizing that 10 seconds of snacking just cost me a year of my life. As soon as I started using this site I've been dropping weight like crazy. Less than a month and i'm already almost halfway to my goal. If you take this seriously and use your network of peers (these guys are always watching how your doing) this site will fix you right up.
  • bakergirl62
    bakergirl62 Posts: 248 Member
    It works! Be honest with yourself, plan and log everything you eat and drink.
  • kingking
    kingking Posts: 64 Member
    I'll jump on the bandwagon, too...The basic formula works. Eat fewer calories than you burn and your weight will go down.

    I'm at six weeks and 26ish pounds down (I just blogged about it :) ).

    Whatever it takes to get you to regularly eat fewer calories is what you want to do. For me (and for a few others, I can see), that means religiously logging what I eat so I can look at the list and tell myself "Self, that, there, was a dumb decision" and learn from it.

    For me, the problem wasn't exercise (though I've certainly added more now that I understand better what's going on in my body), it was portion size and my habit of adding extra meals (mmmm...second dinner, anyone?). Logging my food helped make me aware of that.

    Get some friends on here (feel free to add me if you'd like), share your diary (so you feel accountable for your actions), and keep with it...
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    It does work but u have to be patient, be faithful to logging EVERYTHING u eat, even that spoonful of ice cream or handful of chips, everything! workout as much as u can and mix it up so ur body doens't get used to it. and please DON'T get on the scale every single day and expect a drop. ur body fluctuates everyday, try to only weigh in every couple weeks and if possible every month.
    Set small goals and work towards them everyday! I have a blog going with my 6 week challenge:

    don't eat after 8pm (or 2 hrs before bed)
    don't skip your workouts! (schedule ur life around them, not vice versa)
    count ur calories!
    drink ur water (forget about diet sodas, iced tea, fruit punch, etc)