Extremely Depressed

So I was going through some of my old Facebook posts that I had written last January. I was so proud of myself for losing 40 pounds. I had lost that 40 pounds in 5-6 months...now a year later I'm still at 40 pounds lost...and probably muscle lost. Yes, I've been working out (but not as dedicated as I was.)

I moved to a different city March of 2012. I had a really rough time transitioning, and lost my motivation and dedication to my weight loss. Now I'm engaged and getting married in September. I don't want to lose weight just for the wedding. I do want to be healthier and happier.

I'm just so lost...I left my best friend (and zumba instructor) when I moved to a new city. She was such a motivator to me. I don't know what to do anymore...


  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Getting married is a great motivation to lose the weight, I did it for my sons wedding. The main thing I find that stops me bingeing is to log my food in advance, as much of the day as possible and then stick to it so please start to log again. It's a good first step.
  • rachelbethany
    rachelbethany Posts: 211 Member
    I'm so sorry you're down. I think a big part of it, in addition to the stress of your move, might be seasonal depression. It's just hard to try new things when you aren't getting all that happy vitamin-D from the sun. So my advice is find an exercise routine that makes your HAPPY, rather than focusing on one that's going to suddenly drastically change your body. Thus doing, you'll be more likely to keep it up and perhaps be motivated to move on to some more serious programs. It sounds like zumba used to serve both of those purposes; how awesome that your best friend was also your instructor! I personally can be painfully shy, and when I'm going through bouts of depression/anxiety, just the thought of signing up for a public class freaks me out. But that may be a great place to start if you don't have too much anxiety about doing so. Every time I HAVE attended a public yoga class or the like, everyone ends up really bringing my spirits up, and it's easier to meet friends in such a genuine environment than in other places. But when I really just need some sanity, happiness, and a good workout, I do kundalini DVDs. I used to not have the attention span or discipline for doing DVD workouts. The cheesy music, poor narration, etc., always turned me off. But I kept searching, and I found Ravi Brett and Ana Singh's kundalini yoga DVDs. They are a GREAT workout (especially ones like their "Boot Camp Yoga" DVD) and incorporate different themes. The "Dance the Chakras" would be a great transition for you, coming out of a zumba background. (Yogi Ana Brett was also a professional dancer in NYC.) [EDITED TO ADD: I also love these DVDs because the music, lighting, and words of advice are the best I've ever come across in a work-out DVD.] Of course, any at-home routine is good to start; it doesn't matter if you end up enjoying kundalini or not. But those DVDs, once I turn them on, totally go by fast and really leave me feeling stretched and strengthened all over. Kundalini incorporates more fast movements and strength-building, dynamic exercises than hatha yoga. And after getting in a little better shape (mentally AND physically) at home, I'm more likely to go out and meet friends, etc.
    I wish you the very best, and I'm sure my advice didn't help much, but the idea, I think, is to focus on yourself and your happiness, and then worry about losing more pounds and making new friends. I think those things come naturally after you've found a routine that works for you, whether you have the help of others or not. :)
  • pabd1405
    I hear ya darling! Some times it is so hard to keep going and life just gets in the way! I too started over a year ago. I was so proud of my first 50 lbs lost and now a year later that is where I am. I have gained muscle and changed my shape but the scale says the same thing. I hate the scale! Let's become friends and we can motivate each other. I see you wrote about Zumba is it hard? I would like to try but have you ever seen an elephant dance! Lol- Chin up dear things will get better! GO YOU!
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Are you kidding? The two of you should be so proud of yourselves for keeping the weight off. You lost motivation sure but you didn't eat back all those pounds! Maybe you should look back at some of the posts and pictures from BEFORE you lost the weight and see how far you have come. Hopefully it will help motivate you to get going again.