green coffee bean extract



  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member

    Unlike Dr. Oz, this article gives a good overview of the limitations of the study AND includes the original study was funded by the green coffee bean producers(gasp!). conclusion, one study, small sample size, minimal results by comparison to control = marginally effective and not worth the costs.......

    Go read the actual study online, 700-1050 mg per day is pretty high.....
  • DeMayr
    DeMayr Posts: 67
    @DeMayr: Did you seriously use a "fact sheet" from Dr. Oz's website as scientific verification of these pills? You know valid science is verified by multiple sources and is able to be replicated?

    Dr. Oz does NOT need a team of researchers, and if he does... it's TV! The only difference between TV and the internet is that you can say more f-bombs on one (though not on MFP, amirite?). There is NOTHING in the US that keeps anything on TV "legitimate" like in so many other countries

    Why do people get so defensive about these pills? People have DIED from various diet pills over the years; people lose money that could be going to much more beneficial things to them. All of us who have ACTUALLY researched beyond a biased website aren't discrediting diet pills for trolllols. We're doing it because we want people to succeed, and the people taking advantage of others with these pills to STOP their manipulation.

    I didn't use it as scientific verification of the pills, I used it as a reference to clear up what people assume he claims and what he actually says. All I've been hearing these past few days is that he is quack this and quack that about the man because some people are unable to interpret things.

    He's a quack because he repeatedly pushes supplements and makes ridiculous claims about said supplements. Raspberry Keytones being another example.

    Your claim that people calling him a quack are "unable to interpret things" is laughable.

    That's about the only thing open to interpretation.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    The one thing I thought I'd never see in my life....a male defending Dr. Oz.
  • When you take caffeine pills, the results eventually stifle once your body down regulates the effects of the caffeine.
    This is a prescription for the perfect yoyo diet cycle.
    Don't ever say you weren't warned.
    Suit yourself....
    I couldn't agree more...besides if you listen to all the "miracle weight loss" supplements and foods that Doctor Oz recommends, you will go broke and be pretty disappointed. Stick to clean eating, exercise and remember that the mental battle is a big equation in living a healthy lifestyle. Today is green coffee beans tomorrow it will be a tomato diet that will drop you 40 lbs. Oz is just trying to keep his ratings up...that's how he makes his living. Be Strong and Keep Moving Forward...You Can Do This without miracle pills.
  • DeMayr
    DeMayr Posts: 67
    The one thing I thought I'd never see in my life....a male defending Dr. Oz.

    You mad bro?
  • svsbss
    svsbss Posts: 1
    I bought the green coffee beam/raspberry ketones at whole foods. I wasn't trying or expecting anything at all.
    But I am 5 lbs lighter than I was 2 weeks ago. I don't get it? I only need to lose about 10 more pounds and I will continue to use it. I suffer from insomnia and was doing a lot of late night eating. I Am not doing that anymore....I am not hungry. I am not endorsing the product, I am just telling you what I have observed personally.
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    I saw the show where he talked about GCB. He repeatedly stated that people taking it lost weight with no change in diet or exercise. It wasn't unintentional. He knows that the vast majority of people who are watching his show are overweight people who are desperate to lose weight, will spend money on numerous diet pills and supplements, but aren't quite desperate enough to eat right/work hard enough to lose weight. He regularly targets this group of people. I would be shocked if he's not getting kick backs from suppliers.
  • Jesse_Hunter
    Jesse_Hunter Posts: 162 Member
    Whether the pill works or doesn;t work is really irrelevant. There is a much bigger problem here.

    The majority of our society is always trying to find things to suppress their problems, block them away. Instead of facing their problems head on and curing them once and for all.

    Refined sugar is a stimulating drug just like any other drug. Food addiction is a disease. Unfortunately our society addresses other diseases the exact same way. "Have a headache? TAKE THIS PILL!" "Obese? DON'T CHANGE YOUR LIFESTYLE, GET LIPOSUCTION!"

    You have to find the source of the problems, or you will never be successful long term.

    If you really step back and take a look...what is really the plan here? "Well, I am addicted to sweets, but if I just take this stimulating, suppressing pill loaded with junk for the rest of my life I can keep it under control!"

    Come on now, cake is really worth that much to you?
  • Davidea76
    Davidea76 Posts: 16 Member
    I started on this weight loss journey looking for something that would kick start my losing weight. Since becoming disabled and not being able to walk like I use to I have a hard time finding exercises that I can do. It gets boring riding a bike every day. Considering I can only use bike peddles and not a real bike does not help either. I am just wanting to get a jump start because if I see the weight coming off then I will be more likely to keep trying. I cannot determine what food goes in my body and what doesn't because I live in a nursing home and they choose what I eat. However I can count my calories and then exercise to make sure that I burn those. But being that I only use the bike peddles I am killing my knees. I tried to get on the floor to do some sit ups or something but fell once I was half way down. Because of the nuerapathy and the fact that half of my food is missing I have a lot of problems that no one can understand unless they have been there.
    You can say I am looking for a quick fix because I am obese and you would be right in saying that. I am tired of being fat but at this point I do not know what else I can but to try these natural green coffee bean pills.
    Someone said something about the placebo affect and I understand what you are saying but do you known truly what a placebo is? It's a fake pill or fake whatever that is given to others while the real thing is given to the other participants and yet everyone sees almost the same results. This happens because your mind tells you that you are taking the right meds so you think that you are feeling better or losing weight or whatever. If the Green coffee bean extract is a real pill and has natural ingredients then it's not necessarily a placebo affect.
    The assumption that I did not do my own research and ask about how the pill works is insane. I do not take one persons word on anything. Anytime my PCP prescribes something for me I make sure I do the research on it before I put it in my mouth. I am not an idiot and I am educated in a lot of different things.
    I want to lose weight and be a better person then I've been. I don't know how to do this with the situation I am currently in so that is why I was asking about the pills and if anyone else had a good experience with them. I read a lot of people did but then they won't tell you about those that did not. Plus this is a friendly group so I thought maybe someone would have the same experiences that I did.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I started on this weight loss journey looking for something that would kick start my losing weight. Since becoming disabled and not being able to walk like I use to I have a hard time finding exercises that I can do. It gets boring riding a bike every day. Considering I can only use bike peddles and not a real bike does not help either. I am just wanting to get a jump start because if I see the weight coming off then I will be more likely to keep trying. I cannot determine what food goes in my body and what doesn't because I live in a nursing home and they choose what I eat. However I can count my calories and then exercise to make sure that I burn those. But being that I only use the bike peddles I am killing my knees. I tried to get on the floor to do some sit ups or something but fell once I was half way down. Because of the nuerapathy and the fact that half of my food is missing I have a lot of problems that no one can understand unless they have been there.
    You can say I am looking for a quick fix because I am obese and you would be right in saying that. I am tired of being fat but at this point I do not know what else I can but to try these natural green coffee bean pills.
    Someone said something about the placebo affect and I understand what you are saying but do you known truly what a placebo is? It's a fake pill or fake whatever that is given to others while the real thing is given to the other participants and yet everyone sees almost the same results. This happens because your mind tells you that you are taking the right meds so you think that you are feeling better or losing weight or whatever. If the Green coffee bean extract is a real pill and has natural ingredients then it's not necessarily a placebo affect.
    The assumption that I did not do my own research and ask about how the pill works is insane. I do not take one persons word on anything. Anytime my PCP prescribes something for me I make sure I do the research on it before I put it in my mouth. I am not an idiot and I am educated in a lot of different things.
    I want to lose weight and be a better person then I've been. I don't know how to do this with the situation I am currently in so that is why I was asking about the pills and if anyone else had a good experience with them. I read a lot of people did but then they won't tell you about those that did not. Plus this is a friendly group so I thought maybe someone would have the same experiences that I did.

    I don't think you quite understand what many of us are saying, or many things in terms of health psychology; the placebo effect isn't necessarily a "fake" pill (although your green coffee bean pills might have something more than "sugar" in them, they're still "fake" in terms of being able to help someone lose sustainable weight). If you took an aspirin, and were informed "This will give you 100x energy," and you felt said energy... that would be the placebo effect. Similarly, if someone takes a green coffee pill and suddenly loses weight (COMBINED WITH GOOD DIET AND EXERCISE), it is the placebo effect to attribute it to the pill, and not the other factors (remember, YOU said you didn't even correctly take the pills Dr. Oz advertised, but still "lost weight"; again, I think you're selling yourself short. YOU can do this, without spending money needless on coffee pills). Even if you, OP, or anyone "lost weight" without changing anything, there's virtually no way to attribute it to the pills (hence why the only existing study has been funded by the makers of the pills, or the media personalities that preach them). In a two week period, you could have lost the weight/broken through a plateau regardless of taking the pill. You could have stressed LESS by taking the pill (placebo), thus affecting cortisol levels. This does not mean that the pill did it; a psychological, hormonal, WHATEVER, factor was responsible. There's too many other variables for anyone to be able to say, "I lost the weight using this" and it be repeated... a.k.a, valid science.

    And frankly, sustainable weight loss is 80% diet, 20% exercise. There are very successful people on this site (and everywhere) who have lost weight in wheel chairs. If you can master the diet portion, you WILL lose weight; everything else helps facilitate overall fitness as well as speeding along the fat loss process. Do you have a PT? Most PTs will be able to help you come up with a program that allows someone with a disability to still do some sort of cardio and/or strength training; if bike pedaling isn't doing it for you, tell them that, and you'll be able to come up with something not so boring. Otherwise, I'd suggest pairing an otherwise boring activity (the bike pedaling) with something like watching your favorite show, reading a magazine, etc., or with a reward of some sort to get you through. A pill is not going to be able to replace the cardiovascular or calorie expenditures of exercise, no matter what.

    Plus, as you said "I want to lose weight and be a better person then I've been. I don't know how to do this with the situation I am currently in so that is why I was asking about the pills and if anyone else had a good experience with them," a coffee pill is not the fix. That is an expensive solution to a problem that might require therapy or counseling, or a valid nutrionist.

    It's not insane for us to make assumptions that you didn't do the research, because as several people have pointed out... the research is out there disproving this much more than the research saying it does, and if any sort of professional prescribed "green coffee bean extract" to you, I would recommend looking elsewhere.
  • I understand where you are coming from, I am disabled and was bedridden from 2004-2010. It has taken a lot of work to strengthen my body to be able to walk and get around my home again. The biggest thing I can suggest to you for curbing hunger and loosing weight is to not eat bread or pasta. Especially whole wheat kinds, they have twice as many calories and raise your glucose level just as high as sugar. Eat your protien and vegetables. Try to eat as much lean protien as the Nursing home will let you have, it curbs your appetite more than anything else, and you will find that you can stay on that 1200 calorie diet! And make sure you can get out in the sun every day. Your vitamin D levels drop drastically in an indoors living situation. Mine dropped to zero at one point, and I was Catatonic!! So get outside and don't eat bread. That is my advice.
  • m_shuman
    m_shuman Posts: 179
    This pill contains caffeine and caffeine is a diuretic and I would say that there is a very good chance that some/most of the weight you lost is water weight due to the fact that caffiene makes you lose water weight. Caffeine will also increase your heart rate and in turn increase your metabolism.

    The best solution for weight loss is a healthy balanced diet and exercise. Even if you are just walking the halls in your nursing home it is considered exercise. Alot of people in your situation start with just walking. Walk as far/long as you can without pain or fatigue and then stop. Gradually increase your time/distance until you can easily complete 30 minutes each day. Then begin intervals of jogging and walking. Walk a few steps then jog walk then jog until you can easily jog for 3 minutes straight. This is where alot of people begin. Losing weight is a slow process it takes alot of hard work and dedication. Lastly remember you did not gain the weight overnight and it is not going to come off overnight. It is about changing habits and lifestyles and unfortunately there is no majic pill for that. Change is something you have to do for yourself.
  • Davidea76
    Davidea76 Posts: 16 Member
    This pill contains caffeine and caffeine is a diuretic and I would say that there is a very good chance that some/most of the weight you lost is water weight due to the fact that caffiene makes you lose water weight. Caffeine will also increase your heart rate and in turn increase your metabolism.

    The best solution for weight loss is a healthy balanced diet and exercise. Even if you are just walking the halls in your nursing home it is considered exercise. Alot of people in your situation start with just walking. Walk as far/long as you can without pain or fatigue and then stop. Gradually increase your time/distance until you can easily complete 30 minutes each day. Then begin intervals of jogging and walking. Walk a few steps then jog walk then jog until you can easily jog for 3 minutes straight. This is where alot of people begin. Losing weight is a slow process it takes alot of hard work and dedication. Lastly remember you did not gain the weight overnight and it is not going to come off overnight. It is about changing habits and lifestyles and unfortunately there is no majic pill for that. Change is something you have to do for yourself.

    Thanks for the tips. I am going to try everyone's advice and start walking when I am allowed to. Right now I am not even suppose to stand up on my own. that's not to say I don't but I make sure the nurses aren't around when I do it. lol I just want to lose a lb a week or even half a lb and I think I would feel like I'm actually doing something worth the effort. It's so frustrating to work my butt off and sweat so bad and then not see any results.
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    The one thing I thought I'd never see in my life....a male defending Dr. Oz.

    You mad bro?
    This is the ethical man you are defending?
    The Media Pigasus Award goes to Dr. Mehmet Oz, who has done such a disservice to his TV viewers by promoting quack medical practices that he is now the first person to win a Pigasus two years in a row. Dr. Oz is a Harvard-educated cardiac physician who, through his syndicated TV show, has promoted faith healing, "energy medicine," and other quack theories that have no scientific basis. Oz has appeared on ABC News to give legitimacy to the claims of Brazilian faith healer “John of God,” who uses old carnival tricks to take money from the seriously ill. He's hosted Ayurvedic guru Yogi Cameron on his show to promote nonsense "tongue examination" as a way of diagnosing health problems. This year, he really went off the deep end. In March 2011, Dr. Oz endorsed "psychic" huckster and past Pigasus winner John Edward, who pretends to talk to dead people. Oz even suggested that bereaved families should visit psychic mediums to receive (faked) messages from their dead relatives as a form of grief counseling.
  • UKMarjie
    UKMarjie Posts: 257 Member
    This pill contains caffeine and caffeine is a diuretic and I would say that there is a very good chance that some/most of the weight you lost is water weight due to the fact that caffiene makes you lose water weight. Caffeine will also increase your heart rate and in turn increase your metabolism.

    The best solution for weight loss is a healthy balanced diet and exercise. Even if you are just walking the halls in your nursing home it is considered exercise. Alot of people in your situation start with just walking. Walk as far/long as you can without pain or fatigue and then stop. Gradually increase your time/distance until you can easily complete 30 minutes each day. Then begin intervals of jogging and walking. Walk a few steps then jog walk then jog until you can easily jog for 3 minutes straight. This is where alot of people begin. Losing weight is a slow process it takes alot of hard work and dedication. Lastly remember you did not gain the weight overnight and it is not going to come off overnight. It is about changing habits and lifestyles and unfortunately there is no majic pill for that. Change is something you have to do for yourself.

    Thanks for the tips. I am going to try everyone's advice and start walking when I am allowed to. Right now I am not even suppose to stand up on my own. that's not to say I don't but I make sure the nurses aren't around when I do it. lol I just want to lose a lb a week or even half a lb and I think I would feel like I'm actually doing something worth the effort. It's so frustrating to work my butt off and sweat so bad and then not see any results.

    What have they suggested for a weight-loss strategy? If they haven't suggested something you should get on them aggressively about it - my MIL is diabetic and it took them forever to get her to a nutritionist.

    I posted previously about Green Coffee and got a lot of feedback. I was not relying on them either as the magic cure but was debating buying a second bottle...have decided to not buy it based on the discussion I had here. I think the major thing is that I am very interested in a lifestyle change and how I will manage that over the long-term so decided I wanted to do it 'au natural'.

    I hope your medical team is interested in a whole health approach and not just a medical intervention approach - it would be great to see how your journey goes and how your health comes back. I hope 2013 is a great year of recovery for you!