In need of some really supportive people

I really need some supportive people to help me this year. I've never been one to ask for help but all that's got me is eating my feelings.
Man on man 2012 was a crazy year for me. I moved from TN to Hawaii, after moving from CA to TN in 2011. I got married in April but didn't have a wedding because of my weight. I went on and off depression medication and insomnia medication, I had falling outs with family and we still aren't talking and in September I had my best friend of 16 years die by committing suicide. Since I've moved to 2 different states in the last 3 years I've been in and out of school. I didn't make it into school this semester so now I'll have been out of school for a year once fall 2013 hits. I have no job right now and I'm just feeling so low about myself I can't believe it. These are supposed to be the best years of my life and instead I feel like the biggest piece of crap ever. I've been trying to quit smoking forever but something always happens that adds more stress and I just can't quit.

I REALLY REALLY want to make this a better year and I know that starts with making myself a better me. I really need like- minded people on my team to support each other.


  • Matt_Wilken
    Just go willy nilly and add people :tongue: friendships should be free or am I wrong?
  • haley98110
    haley98110 Posts: 65 Member
    Just go willy nilly and add people :tongue: friendships should be free or am I wrong?

    wow you caught me off guard for a minute I literally have a very good friend named Matt Wilken and was surprised to see your name haha.
    But I shall take your advice and go "willy nilly" haha Lookout peeps
  • lenatilde
    I got ya back. x
  • haley98110
    haley98110 Posts: 65 Member
    I got ya back. x

    Thanks girl! Means a lot :)