wedding body here i come!

hi everybody i am back on my fitness pal after a winter lazy spell and have decided on new year new start so i am looking for some people who are in the same mind set as i am for support!
i am hoping to get myself down to my target weight so that i can feel comfortable enoough to finally start planning my wedding because after having my two kiddie si just havent felt comfortable enough in my own skin to want to put on a wedding dress and have all my family and friends look at me! the thought of it at the moment is terrifying.
i am determied to get myself to a weight and size that i feel comfortable in my own skin again, I am under no illusion i will ever get my pre baby body bqck as i now have hips and breast but tbh i wouldnt want it, i want to still be curvy but not chubby!
If anybody feels in the same boat as me and would like apal to enocourage and motivate please feel free to add me
China x


  • I'm with you lady, I need to do the same but without the wedding dress lol :smile:
  • bigtrocks
    bigtrocks Posts: 4 Member
    Im with you!!! Wedding 6/1/13, didnt do crap all winter! Started up again today!!!
  • Hi!

    I am getting married in August, standing up in a wedding on a beach in Cozumel in March, have at least 3 family weddings to attend between the two and my future husband is standing up in a wedding in September. I am going to have a busy 2013.

    I really want to look my best for the amazing upcoming year and could use the support.

    I have been on myfitnesspal for a while but have had a hard time connecting with people. How do you guys find motivational support?