Hi there!!! Bit of help needed.

Hey people... Im trying to lose some weight (mainly off my belly) Last year my eating habbits went a bit wild. I was addicted to coca cola and drank almost a 2 litre bottle every day. I suffer with depression also so often i wouldnt feel hungry when i felt down but as the day went on i would suddenly feel starving and i would binge on chocolates or just crap and anything quick and easy to make. Which has result in me probably putting on around a stone in weight. I am very slim and skinny and tbh a stone of weight is welcome on me because i am so skinny but only problem is is that it all went on my belly!! It did not go anywhere else. I look like im months into a pregnancy atm.

Few months ago i started doing 30 day shred a few times a week. I then realised that i would actually need to do some cardio so i got zumba dvd and did that and built it up from a few times a week doing 20 mins to about 40 mins about 5 days a week. I also took a look at my food i was eating and found out how many calories i should be eating a day. I cut out biscuits and chocolate and all things bad. I tried to stick to my calorie amount each day which was sometimes hard cause i live with others and when they cook a meal obv sometimes it had alot of calories in it. So it might have been a bit over my 1200 a day limit.

Anyways i managed to stick to that for about a month and a half. In tht time i didnt really notice any fat coming off my belly but i noticed my thigh muscles getting stronger and more muscley. Which was worrying me a little. I have short legs so i dont want them to get much bigger. I had change in circumstances and ended up not being able to do my zumba for a bit and it totally threw me off track and i havent done zumba or any fitness since then. So for the new year im going to try my hardest to get back into it or somethig similar. I just need help in knowing what to do for the best. I want to lose this fat off my belly thats the biggest priority right now. If anyone can help me that would be great.

Btw heres some of my info...

113 lbs (might have gained a bit more over christmas)
not very physically active

I hope someone can help me or give me some guidance :) Thanks alot xxxx
