What is your motivation?



  • Tiffany0688
    Tiffany0688 Posts: 8 Member
    My motivation is to continue being able to keep up with my 6 year old son. I don't want to go back the days of "hang on bub, Mommy needs to catch her breath"
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    Me. Me being healthy and fit and happy for the people I love.
  • askcupid117
    askcupid117 Posts: 126 Member
    bump! This is a great thred!
  • Donica_Marie
    Donica_Marie Posts: 64 Member
    Friendly Competetion motivates me or an upcoming event (birthdays , graduation , ect.) those 2 things usually keeps me motivated and focused
  • determined2lose89
    determined2lose89 Posts: 342 Member
    Wedding, wedding, wedding, wedding....good health, great body. Wedding!
  • bsuew
    bsuew Posts: 628 Member
    I had to come to the place that I wanted to loose weight because and for me. I had to know that I am the only one that is and was going to change my life style. My knee's and ankles hurt all the time. I felt horrible about myself & was ashamed to even admit I was at 260 lbs. Even to myself. I love this site and the encouragement that is found here. The energy that I have now is amazing. Myself is encourage enough for me. And knowing I'm soooooo close to seeing my numbers start with a new number!!!
  • mltdown
    mltdown Posts: 311 Member
    For me it was when I hit 360lbs before I was 21 and simple daily tasks become hard, I couldn't wear the seat belts in most of my friends cars and I could barely go up and down stairs at work. After I got to 199 it's purely vainity I wanna be a hot biznitch and prove to myself I can be as awesome as I have always been in my head. Now not only will I have a kick *kitten* personality from being fat and only having that to make friends but I will have
    A hot bod. ;)
  • WrenStory
    WrenStory Posts: 103
    Feeling good, looking good, living longer... the typical.

    But what actually made it work was weighing my food on a scale (at first) and really paying attention to everything I ate, making a lot of friends (on my previous account) and keeping myself publicly accountable... learning how to lift weights at home and doing it. Asking questions when I needed answers. Becoming a runner. Pretty much sticking with this for over a year until it felt like a new habit.
  • farmboyphotography
    farmboyphotography Posts: 181 Member
    Three main motivations for me:

    1) My three sons are full of energy and I couldn't keep up. Then.... it happened.... my daughter was born. LIFE CHANGER.

    2) My second motivation is tied to my first. I want to be around to walk my daughter down the aisle (in about 30 years! No hurry!) and I started having health problems that many out of shape people experience: insulin resistance, hypertension, lack of energy, neuropathy, joint and knee pain, constantly needing to update my wardrobe since I was gaining all the time, feeling bad about myself, clearly too short for my weight (before I started working out, I would have been perfectly proportioned if I was 10 feet tall!)

    3) I am a professional photographer. Models who work with me have to look great, be in peak physical form, and here I was so out of shape and getting worse. Seems awfully hypocritical to me!

    I don't know about all of you, but 2013 is going to be a kick *kitten* year. Before this year is through, I WILL be in the best shape of my life! And yes, I am always open to friends on MFP who share that enthusiasm!
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    I spent 20 years being metaphorically "controlled" by a man who held me captive, tortured, raped and tried to kill me. I am finally living my life, just for me, and all because I started running again (which I did before the assault but not after). I don't look at becoming healthy as having to make sacrifices-I look at every day as an opportunity to live for me, and to run towards something beautiful, instead of trying to run away from something awful. Don't look at becoming healthy as some sort of punishment you must endure-it's an opportunity.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    i almost died and had a long recovery. im just not that into wasting life anymore.
  • bakz4
    bakz4 Posts: 64 Member
    My two children who are in their 20's. They motivate me to be ther healthiest mom I can be for them. Plus, I want to be an active and involved grandmother for when they have their own children...probably not in the near future...so I have lots of time to make slow and gradual lifestyle changes.