Happy New Year! time to refocus

It doesn't matter if you're just starting your healthy journey for the first time or if this is your umpteenth go-around. It also doesn't matter if you blew it royally over the holidays. The only thing that matters is that you've made a decision NOW to create something wonderful - a healthy, thin YOU, living the life you want to live.

So how do you shift gears and move forward, even if you don't really believe you can? It's simple (please note: I said "simple," not "easy"!). You shift gears by focusing on what you want. Have you made the decision to lose weight and get to a healthy weight? I'm not talking about you wanting to lose weight, because just about everybody wants to lose weight :-). I'm asking if you've made the decision to lose weight and get healthy. This isn't a matter of semantics. Everyone wants to lose weight and would opt to do so in a heartbeat if it could be done quickly and without giving anything up. However, very few people actually make the fundamental decision to get to a healthy weight, because once you make that decision, things begin to change.

It's not that making the decision to get to a healthy weight somehow waves a wand that magically makes it happen, but once you make the fundamental decision and focus on what you want, you will begin to make the choices necessary to support that decision. Making the decision also doesn't mean that you won't ever slip up, because some of you will, but if you have your eyes on your goal and keep focused, you'll keep moving forward.

Forget what's happened in the past - you can't change it. The past can only rule your present and determine your future if you allow it to. Today, at the beginning of 2013, you can set your course for a different future - IF you know what you want and have made the decision to go for it. Once you've done that and focused on what you want, all that's left to do is make the choices that will support your decision.