Fantastic (and delicious) Immunity Booster!!

Christie23 Posts: 357 Member
As a child, my grandmother always gave me a Tbsp of Buckwheat honey daily to build up my immune system and I almost NEVER got sick! I remembered this recently when I saw Dr. Oz mention it and recommend it as a way to beat flu season. So I bought a big container of it! I've been taking it by the Tbsp like Nanny always gave me, but I realized this morning that it is absolutely DELICIOUS by the Tbsp in my daily oatmeal. Buckwheat honey has a molasses type of taste, so it works perfectly and eliminates the extra calories from my usual sprinkling of brown sugar (2 tsps of brown sugar = 56 calories while 1 Tbsp of buckwheat honey = 60 calories and a whole lot of added health benefit). Just thought I'd share, in case you want to try it too!