Trying to lose the baby belly....Any suggestions?

I am a fairly thin person to begin with, but after having my second child I have this baby bump I just cant lose. The gym is great, but with my work schedule and the kids and their activities its like I never have time to go spend an hour at the gym for myself. Is there any workout that I might could do at home to help with this. I really want to be ready for swimsuit season.


  • ValerieMomof2
    ValerieMomof2 Posts: 530 Member
    cardio and weights will definitely help--make sure to include overall core work (planks,side planks for example) but diet is going to be a huge factor as well--not diet as in lose weight, but healthy choices--avoiding alcohol, sodas....
  • westcoastgrl21
    westcoastgrl21 Posts: 172 Member
    Ugh, I'm having the same problem! It's not that my belly is fat, it's just rounded still and my second "baby" is 19 months!! I've been using the P90X abs dvd at home. You don't need any equipment for abs. You can do the following just on your floor: planks, crunches, side crunches, v-ups, heels to the ceiling, bicycles. All of these will work to tighten your abs and hopefully pull everything back in where it started :) One of my goals for 2013 is to train my abs 3 times a week; my big problem is that I don't train them veryoften. Here's to flat bellies by summer!!