2nd time in MFP, very depressed

Please help me, I am very short person ( 4,11)and I weigh more than I used to when I was pregnant. I am emotional eater, I love sweets, I work out do zumba and stuff but food is my weakness. Please help me. I am planing to cut sugary products, eat 6 times small meals, workout. But let me know if there are some other stuff I can do here and there. I am on my chair for 8 hours plus commute. Please let me know what small changes you did and it worked. My closet is full of small clothes which I cant wear and I keep adding. PLEASE HELP , need some tips for lunch ideas and dinner as I have two little kids


  • joanlynel
    joanlynel Posts: 4 Member
    See yourself in in your new body in your mind. Take one day at a time. You can do it :)
  • Juliechilli
    Juliechilli Posts: 123 Member
    I'm short too and here to help :) We CAN do this!
  • Nlktgkskt68
    Nlktgkskt68 Posts: 2 Member
    i found this blog for motivation http://www.fitandfabforlife.us/our-blog.html
  • Cowboyzfan82288
    Cowboyzfan82288 Posts: 161 Member
    What worked for me was measuring and weighing my food portions at home. Also, I counted calories, made sure I drank plenty of water. Also, I tried to do some kind of activity each day. It's ok to have a small sweet every now and then. Just do it in moderation. Hang in there, you will succeed! :)
  • One day at a time. It is hard, but when I want something fried (salty fried foods are my weakness), I think about the price to be paid. I think about my clothes getting smaller and tighter, just like you. I think about how awful I feel right now (because of the out-of-control mess I am in right now). I hate this feeling, just like you do.

    So the only way to get out of it is to stay away from the things that bring us down... I always think about "the next day" feeling, so right now I choose to eat a grapefruit instead of fried chicken, because the fried food will bring me down and make me feel terrible.

    Good luck to you and stay strong. You can do it one decision at a time - one choice at a time. It is like kicking an addiction. One choice at a time. You wake up tomorrow and say "wow, I did really good yesterday." Then I do it all over again. STAY STRONG. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!
  • Something that works for me is to find extra movement wherever I can. For example, I park in the furtherest spot in the lot where I work, park far from store entrances, etc. Take stairs whenever I can. Deliver mail as often as I can at work, just to get up and move each hour. Stand while I am on the phone at work, plus stand when sorting paperwork, etc. I am a firm believer that every move added to my day will help. I also deal with depression but I find the BEST way to beat that down is to reach out to others. Whether it be to encourage someone on line or in person, do a good deed...especially if it is totally unexpected by someone, give a small gift to brighten someone's day or even just send a goofy card to someone.....little things.....seem to wipe out depression quickly.
  • taffymangos
    taffymangos Posts: 60 Member
    I never eat lunch in the cafeteria, I always take my lunch to work. This allows me to control the portion size and I know what is in the meal and how healthy it is. I pack healthy snacks to take with me. Try to take the stairs more often if your work has them. and take it one day at a time. also what about going to the gym right after work, before you go home?
  • srijana125
    srijana125 Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you all :)
  • Itsallbs15
    Itsallbs15 Posts: 262 Member
    I sent you a group invite. One thing that I find works for me with controlling my snacking is lemon water or cucumber water. Putting a few slices of cucumber in my water has helped me control my urge to grab some sweets. I look forward to offering you some motivation
  • srijana125
    srijana125 Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks I am doing that right now
  • srijana125
    srijana125 Posts: 21 Member
    I took a sick day off today to cleanse my self, my thoughts , pantry, and plan lunch. I will definately doing this. I am so lazy at the morning to prepare lunch. I will try to make during dinner.
  • amyann2
    amyann2 Posts: 69 Member
    I agree with the poster who mentioned measuring/weighing portions. I got a small kitchen scale and it was an eye-opener -- people always think they're eating less than they are. For beverages I use a measuring cup.

    I also gradually lowered fat content in my food. Years ago I drank whole milk, then 2%. Finally went to 1% .... and now I drink only skim! For a while I mixed 1% and skim to make the change more gradual. Another thing with milk is to go organic -- it's creamier-tasting, so organic skim tastes to me like non-organic 1%.

    Also, carry lunch to work -- lots of raw veggies to fill you up in addition to whatever carb/protein you're eating.

    And don't keep junk food in the house or go grocery shopping while hungry!

    BEST OF LUCK!!!!!
  • srijana125
    srijana125 Posts: 21 Member
    Milk was my problem, I will definately get organic from today. I can not stand regular skim :( How often you drink milk?
  • amyann2
    amyann2 Posts: 69 Member
    When I'm eating fairly healthy, it's not unusual for me to drink 2 cups of skim milk for dinner. It's not unusual for my husband and I (no kids) to go through 3 gallons of milk a week. He drinks 1% and I drink the skim.

    I'm 44, if that makes a difference. I'm trying to get a jump start on staving off future calcium loss! ;-) Although I need to study up on what circumstances aid calcium and vitamin D absorption and all that. But right now my main objective is to get back to goal weight and to eat lots of fruit and veggies! I'm trying to cut down on meat consumption, which was already quite low. It's not unusual for me to go several days without meat without really noticing.
  • lorijean38
    lorijean38 Posts: 20 Member
    I so feel for you!! I have been here before too and my love of food took over. Sending you a request - let's keep in touch