Staying Motivated

I am new here and this is day 3 for my diet. I had the strongest craving for a bag of chips today and I almost gave in. Any words of encouragement!


  • SoldierDad
    SoldierDad Posts: 1,602
    Your stronger than any silly craving!
  • ebkins7
    ebkins7 Posts: 427 Member
    Everytime you have a craving just remind yourself that those chips (or whatever the temptation is that day) won't get you to the new, happier, healthier you! It is ok to have a reward every now and then just to remind yourself that you can have sugary, fatty, salty foods just in MODERATION! A one time guilt free snack once a month or even once a week isn't going to stop you! JUST PLAN FOR IT!

    You can do this... Congratulations on decided that today is the first day of the rest of your life and to making it a happier, healthier life!

    Remember too that SKINNY... Isn't always healthy! I know a LOT of "skinny" people who are very unhealthy people! Your goal should be to be healthy... not skinny! (skinny is just a bonus for hard work!)

    Best of luck!
  • stringsNlinks
    stringsNlinks Posts: 293 Member
    I like that you said "almost gave in".

    I think initially you have to be pretty strong and stay on target. As you go along you can allow yourself a few things here and there but right now it's important to change your habits or else you will fall into the trap of a little here, a little there and that adds up. I eat so much every day but my choices are healtier.

    Just try for at least 21 days to really stick to healthy food choices and watch sodium and sugar. It gets easier when all the "junk" is gone and you start enjoying so many other choices.

    Good luck....nice bike by the way!
  • I suggest putting them in your food diary and seeing the calories and that may change your mind. It works for me.
  • stringsNlinks
    stringsNlinks Posts: 293 Member
    Everytime you have a craving just remind yourself that those chips (or whatever the temptation is that day) won't get you to the new, happier, healthier you! It is ok to have a reward every now and then just to remind yourself that you can have sugary, fatty, salty foods just in MODERATION! A one time guilt free snack once a month or even once a week isn't going to stop you! JUST PLAN FOR IT!

    You can do this... Congratulations on decided that today is the first day of the rest of your life and to making it a happier, healthier life!

    Remember too that SKINNY... Isn't always healthy! I know a LOT of "skinny" people who are very unhealthy people! Your goal should be to be healthy... not skinny! (skinny is just a bonus for hard work!)

    Best of luck!

    I like what she said "just plan for it". you would be surprised how that helps. I look up my meals before I actually eat them more often than not.
  • SugarHi
    SugarHi Posts: 452
    I laugh. Honestly, when I get that hankering for something I've not planned to eat that day, and I sit there in my little argument, I do start laughing. Then I get up and take a walk or jump around a little and that seems to help me. I've been able to get over how silly I feel when I find myself literally arguing with MYSELF about a snack! HA!! You are worth every step you take in the right direction, and each step we take off the path is okay too. Just ask yourself, if it's worth it... after a few times of moving on it will get easier. :flowerforyou:
  • nroesler
    This craving is your pre-mfp self reminding you where you came from. Stay strong, that voice gets quieter. Remember this is a life change not just a diet! You may slip up (I know I do) but I don't beat myself up, I just get to the gym and sweat it out...great guilt relief!

    Good luck! :ohwell: