Re-Introduction: 2nd run at this.

Hi all,

I did MFP back in 2010 (MAR2010-APR2011) and went from 240lbs down to 163lbs. Unfortunately, life has happened and I fell out of maintenance. Between work changes, college classes at night, and buying a new home that needed work, my eating habits were poor and I lost time for exercise that I was doing during that time.

So I'm back today hoping to get back on the wagon, so to speak. I got an elliptical machine for Christmas, and I hope to be diligent with MFP in the coming months. My goal is less weight oriented and more SHAPE oriented. I really want to get rid of this belly.

It will be a slow start to begin with, due to the fact that I am in recovery from having my Gall Bladder removed. There lies another reason for me to start MFP again, as I will now have to watch my fat intake after this surgery.

Here we go...