There's no clever way to say this.



  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    You can do it. You have to. And you will. You have no choice. Your whole life is waiting, go get it. :flowerforyou:
  • chickentunashake
    chickentunashake Posts: 165 Member
    Need help for the weekend! I stick to my guns during the week but historically, weekends are my weakness. At work , I have no tempting foods, only healthy snacks. Not so true at home. This first weekend is going to be a HUGE test for me. Any ideas to keep me on the right path?
    you need to redue your pantry. Go in and get rid of everything what is unhealthy. Go grocerie shopping for vegetables, whole grain, lean meats and protein bars, which usually satisfy your sweet tooth. That way you cannot get tempted even when you are at home. And start taking daily walks. Good luck and I know that you can do it
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    there is no clever way to say it is there?

    ((hugs)) you've come to a great place and the support network you make will help you to succeed.

    I wish you all of the success that is there for you should you reach for it.

    don't ever stop. that's the best thing I can say. always get back up, always keep fighting and don't ever stop.
  • heathermstrom
    I SO know what you're feeling.... My goal is to lose 100 pounds, and even at that weight I would be considered "overweight". Baby steps, right?

    My husband and I are trying to have our first baby and I know that being overweight can make that more difficult... not to mention, if I'm THIS big now, how the hell am I supposed to add the weight of growing a human being inside me?!

    I've never been involved in the message boards on here before but in reading everyone's posts, I feel like it's giving me positive energy to do what I need to do. Hopefully we can do this weight loss thing together and share in our successes. :)
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    Good luck. The hardest thing is to continually honor your commitment. So make sure you are setting yourself up with a sustainable plan, and remember you are not 'going on a diet' -- you are changing your life forever.
  • Erin_goBrahScience
    Erin_goBrahScience Posts: 1,215 Member
    added (with a little note) :wink:
  • Hopeful_
    Hopeful_ Posts: 39 Member
    You can achieve your dream! It's going to be hard, and you're going to need patience and stay determined, but even posting this shows you're ready, and you're willing. So stay strong, because you need this, and you deserve this!! (Anyone feel free to add me!)
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Welcome back! You sound very ready! **Hugs**
  • heathermstrom
    I'd love to help support you!

    I just read your OP and thought, did I write this? This is where I am. I'm the same age (30 in Oct 2014), I've just passed my 2nd anniversary with my boyfriend, I want a baby in the next few years, and all of my friends (and boyfriend!) are EMTs...they walk fast, they eat fast, they move fast, I want to keep up! I need to lose this weight in order to achieve my goals. I need to lose this weight to live! I've only tried MFP this time, but countless others in the past few years, and gave up after a little time.

    We can do this! Feel free to add me to your positive support arsenal!

    "Did I write this?" I had the same thought!
  • Nefetete
    Nefetete Posts: 343 Member
    Feel free to add me. It might be a long journey but its not an impossible one. But then, is there anything ever worth achieving easy.
    Good Luck !!!
  • Tannis77
    A great suggestion I was given was to enter the food before you eat it.... that way you see the calories and decide if it is worth it, Good Luck!
  • lynyskiny
    lynyskiny Posts: 14 Member
    Me too! I haven't been faithful to MFP for several months and I'm ready to get back to it. I lost around 15 lbs early last year and as summer hit - I got too busy with canoeing and tubing and hiking and having fun! Which included lots of food and alcoholic beverages! I'd like to monitor what's going into my mouth again because I truly feel that is key for me...if i'm keepng track I pay much more attention! I'd like to lose 10 lbs and tone up and KEEP IT THAT WAY! Please feel free to add me, friends!
  • tasharock
    tasharock Posts: 136 Member
    Need help for the weekend! I stick to my guns during the week but historically, weekends are my weakness. At work , I have no tempting foods, only healthy snacks. Not so true at home. This first weekend is going to be a HUGE test for me. Any ideas to keep me on the right path?

    Take the unhealthy stuff at home to your local food bank. Worked great for the hubby and me.
  • marywanoKC
    Yep, no easier way to say it than "If I don't do this, I'm going to die fat and unhappy".

    I'll be 30 in May of 2014, and my hubby and I have been married for ten years. We don't have kids yet, and not sure if we ever will, but it'd be nice to have that option, and IF we do, to be able to take care of them, play with them, all of that fun stuff.

    I'll add you, if you like. I've been at this a year, and while I could have done more, I'm so much happier than you could believe. If you need support, just ask for it! :)
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,080 Member
    You've come to the right place.

    When you want to eat, delay it long enough to get to your computer and come here. Think about what you want to eat, and log it first.

    MIndful eating is really important. If you've gotten to 150 lbs overweight, you've been doing a lot of mindless eating, because you don't need that much food, and you've been eating out of emotion (boredom, anger, frustration, fear - pick your poison.) Reading other people's struggles and triumphs, and offering up support to others is great therapy.

    Start a journal on your computer to write about what is going on in your head when you feel a need to eat. You'll be surprised what you learn about yourself.

    You can save your own life. You have to. No one else can do it for you.
  • sherborg
    sherborg Posts: 6 Member
    Add me if you like.. I am looking for buddies who are serious about their journey and self improvement for both health and mental stability! 2013!
  • LoggingForLife
    LoggingForLife Posts: 504 Member
    You can do this. Really.
  • MsKriss281
    MsKriss281 Posts: 91 Member
    Welcome back. We are in the same boat (Well Kind of, I'll be 31 this year) but much of the same goals. You can do this! Dedication is the key and for me it's been making sure I try new foods and shake up my routine, boredom sets in quickly for me. And remember, you will have off days (it's unreasonable to think that you won't), the most important thing is to not let them get you off track, one off day will not throw you into a downward spiral. Shake it off and make tomorrow count! Feel free to add me.

  • oeagleo
    oeagleo Posts: 70 Member
    I feel your pain, it was just a year ago that at 307 pounds, that I needed help getting up from my mother's gravestone. It was just a year ago that I could not walk from the car to Wal-mart without stopping to lean on a cart to catch my breath. I decided, (like you) permanently, that this was not where I wanted to be. I had used excuses for many years why I was "short of breath". Altitude, cold, smoking, everything except the truth. ME.
    I decided that my main problem was that I simply was not active. I could not walk from the car to the store, so how am I going to get on a treadmill? Well, I did it; I had bought a treadmill several years ago, and I broke it out. First time on, I nearly died at 1/4 mile at 2 MPH. I said this isn't going to work, but I kept at it. Diet also played a big part, a LOT less beef, (And, I LOVE the $6 hamburgers!!), more chicken, replacing grilled burgers with "Turkey Burgers" which are just as good. Starting to eat a breakfast of TURKEY sausage, and eggo's, or Cheerios, always trying to keep each meal under 400 Calories, and yes, it CAN be done.
    I have lost over the last year right at 100 Lbs, can walk as far as I want to, even bought a bike, and to date before the snow set in, I could ride 16 miles over a parkway that we have here in Salt Lake. I now have a gym membership, and honestly look FORWARD to going every day, 3 days weights, 3 days cardio, and one day "off". My main goal now is to loose the fat that remains, and try to tone up with all of the skin that USED to cover me, that now just hangs. Gotta fill it in with something.
    I'm not exactly in the same boat as you, as I am a 65 year old man trying to finally realize that activity isn't the hated, the dreaded thing that it used to be. I realize now, that the big thing is to start, use some of the German hard headedness, (some call it determination), and just do it. Even walking around the block beats someone sitting on the couch.
    But, and I honestly believe this, for you to be successful, you have to WANT it, not just lip service, but truly tell yourself that you are done with that old life, and are headed for a new one, and no one (including YOU) is going to stop you. Until you have that attitude in your head, you'll fail.
    I contribute my success to just that attitude, "This is going to happen, and no one can stop me". Good luck in your journey, it will be really tough at first, but keep track of your progress, not necessarily on here, but to yourself. Maybe today, you can walk only half a block, so, try to finish out that block next week in your DAILY walk.. Set goals, and enjoy the victories..:flowerforyou:

    I do have one "Before & After" picture, but I cannot figure out how to post pics, so you'll just have to trust me, but once you start, your heart, and your body will literally tell you "Thanks", and encourage you to keep on..
  • SandyFeet1202
    SandyFeet1202 Posts: 6 Member
    I yo-yo'd as well over the years. One of the best things I did was go to a nutrionist--it was money well spent. I thought I was eating well, but it was more of a matter of the balance of what I was eating. I got a meal plan that was easy to follow and learned so much about the foods my body needs. My husband and I went together and it was interesting to see the differences in our plans--I learned our bodies all have different needs. Keeping a food diary was a recommendation as well which is how I came across MFP. I was able to customize my eating goals according to the meal plan I was given on this site which was awesome. Another thing I learned there was the importance of short-term goals. I always focused on my end goal. Rather I started with STG's such as 10 lbs loss in 6 weeks--not even thinking about the end goal. That was very helpful. Exercise is extremely important. Start slow and work your way up, make it part of your daily routine. For me, that was easier said then done. You can do this because YOU ARE WORTH IT!!! Keep telling yourself that.