Allow me to re-introduce myself!

Hi Guys my name is April! I'm not really new to MFP I joined after having my son back in March 2012.. I stayed home with him for about 4 months and was able to drop 12 pounds.. Then I returned to work, and shortly after that got a better position at a new job and in the middle of that I moved. So the eating rite and excercising came to a screeching hault for about 6 months! Well now I'm back in the New Year ready to take time for myself and re dedicate! I've noticed of course I've lost some friends. I need to make new ones to stay motivated as well as motivate you guys! A little about myself I'm 24 yrs old full time student pursuing a degree in pr/marketing a full time mother of two and a full time employee in the banking industry! Feel free to add me and Happy New Year!
