Something missing? (Vitamins & Minerals)

MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
I started taking additional vitamins and minerals because of my skin (Moderate Adult Acne) but since taking them I have noticed my energy level being a bit better and sickness seems to not cling to me as much but I do wonder if there is a vitamin or mineral that I may be missing as a balance to what I am taking.

My current daily vitamin & mineral intake is below:

- Centrum One-A-Day Women (x1)
- Zinc Citrate 50mg (x1)
- B-Complex Vitamin (Time Release) 100mg (x1)
- Vitamin D 1000IU (x6)

I do take such a large amount of D vitamin because I am severly deficient, it appears that I do not absorb that vitamin well. I was actually recommended but not directed to take 14,000 IU a day but I honestly think that is way too much.

So... opinions? I am not one who did more than a multivitamin my whole life until now.


  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    Hard to do detailed blood lab work over the internet
    I recommend you have your real life doctor do it
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    You need to take magnesium when you take vitamin D.

    Other than that, assuming you don't have deficiencies, looks fine.
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    Hard to do detailed blood lab work over the internet
    I recommend you have your real life doctor do it

    I wasn't asking what I am missing from my body, bloodwork already done and already taking what they have told me to. I just wanted opinions on if I am missing a balanced vitamin intake, for example as I heard that if you take zinc you need to take copper to balance it but I am not big on making a doctor appointment for a question someone here might know :)

    Thanks! Didn't know that about magnesium, going to look into that!
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    Fish oil. Maybe add creatine if you're strength training.
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    I started taking additional vitamins and minerals because of my skin (Moderate Adult Acne) but since taking them I have noticed my energy level being a bit better and sickness seems to not cling to me as much but I do wonder if there is a vitamin or mineral that I may be missing as a balance to what I am taking.

    My current daily vitamin & mineral intake is below:

    - Centrum One-A-Day Women (x1)
    - Zinc Citrate 50mg (x1)
    - B-Complex Vitamin (Time Release) 100mg (x1)
    - Vitamin D 1000IU (x6)

    I do take such a large amount of D vitamin because I am severly deficient, it appears that I do not absorb that vitamin well. I was actually recommended but not directed to take 14,000 IU a day but I honestly think that is way too much.

    So... opinions? I am not one who did more than a multivitamin my whole life until now.

    Did a doctor tell you to take Vitamin D? If not I would suggest having blood tests done before taking it. You can over dose on vitamin D and it will cause heart palps etc.

    I would suggest you take fish oil if you don't eat a lot of fish in your diet
  • ModoVincere
    ModoVincere Posts: 530 Member
    I would recommend dropping the centrum tablets and finding a good gel cap.
    Often, tablets don't dissolve properly and the material just passes through and doesn't do any good that way.
    Aslo, as was mentioned above, some fish oil capsules might be a good didn't go into any detail about your diet, so that's puely a guess.
  • I started taking additional vitamins and minerals because of my skin (Moderate Adult Acne) but since taking them I have noticed my energy level being a bit better and sickness seems to not cling to me as much but I do wonder if there is a vitamin or mineral that I may be missing as a balance to what I am taking.

    My current daily vitamin & mineral intake is below:

    - Centrum One-A-Day Women (x1)
    - Zinc Citrate 50mg (x1)
    - B-Complex Vitamin (Time Release) 100mg (x1)
    - Vitamin D 1000IU (x6)

    I do take such a large amount of D vitamin because I am severly deficient, it appears that I do not absorb that vitamin well. I was actually recommended but not directed to take 14,000 IU a day but I honestly think that is way too much.

    So... opinions? I am not one who did more than a multivitamin my whole life until now.

    Did a doctor tell you to take Vitamin D? If not I would suggest having blood tests done before taking it. You can over dose on vitamin D and it will cause heart palps etc.

    I would suggest you take fish oil if you don't eat a lot of fish in your diet

    I would second the vitamin d suggestion...that seems like quite a bit. I had bloodwork done a few years back and turned out I had quite the vitamin d deficiency. The doctor prescribed me higher dose supplements of 5000IU per WEEK and you're currently taking more than that per DAY. If a doctor recommended it by all means keep on keepin on as they would know better than us, but if that was your own decision I would double check with a medical professional so you don't overdo it.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    If you are taking a complete multivitamin and mineral why zinc and B complex? Micronutrients work synergistically and in opposition, you can create worse problems by randomly supplementing. Magnesium is the partner of calcium, zinc of copper .... there is a reason we have dieticians and other healthcare professionals to work this all out for us.

    Do you eat oily fish regularly? If you don't you probably are not eating enough vitamin D (nor long chain omega-3s), it's not found in many foods the majority we make from sunlight. What about the rest of your diet, why aren't you getting enough other vitamins and minerals to need a multi? There is little to no evidence of this being necessary or beneficial. Clean up your diet, be sure to eat a balance of all the food groups, work on your digestive health/ gut flora and you won't need many of those supplements.
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    I will have to see where I can find some Gel-caps that would work. I assumed that the pills always did. I have been thinking of adding fish oil, I just get worried about the 'fishy' breath afterwards that I keep hearing about so I have been wary to take it but it can't hurt to try.

    I am taking the multi-vitamin and zinc for my acne off advice from those that suffer from it like I do and I do try to eat healthy whenever possible. And your right I don't think I eat enough oily fish, I eat fish about 1-2 times a month.

    When it comes to my diet I don't eat a lot of meat and if I do it is usually chicken or turkey and rarely is it beef or fish. Protein is usually 1/4 of my plate, and I eat a whole boat load of vegetables. Usually greens like spinach, romaine, asparagus, peas and do include many other vegetables seasonally. Vegtables are 1/2 my plate and the last quarter is combination of dairy and grain although I sometimes leave it out though I usually have multigrain or whole wheat bread.

    And yes I have seen a number of specialists for health issues, they instructed me to take vitamin D 6,000 to 14,000 IU daily as well as a B-complex Daily. 4,000 IU of Vitamin D daily is recommended to anyone living where I live as we get far less sunshine during the winter, at least that is what the doctor told me when I asked :)

    Thanks for your input, definitely helpful!
  • Just something to try: get advil liquigels from the store, break one open and apply on your bigger zits. It supposedly brings down inflammation and is used by some Hollywood make up artists. I got rid of my acne with Accutane, but that's been discontinued.
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    I never heard of Taurine before, I am going to have to read that page you posted :)

    I can't believe Accutane was discontinued! Really? That makes me really sad as I feel like I am falling on my last legs with my skin... I have tried all the most expensive and a lot of the least and moderately expensive methods over the last 3 years and nothing so far has worked. Even a completely healthy diet with exercise and all that did nada. I kind of feel like pouting... but that's not going to do a thing for my oogly skin.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    I am taking the multi-vitamin and zinc for my acne off advice from those that suffer from it like I do and I do try to eat healthy whenever possible. And your right I don't think I eat enough oily fish, I eat fish about 1-2 times a month.

    When it comes to my diet I don't eat a lot of meat and if I do it is usually chicken or turkey and rarely is it beef or fish. Protein is usually 1/4 of my plate, and I eat a whole boat load of vegetables. Usually greens like spinach, romaine, asparagus, peas and do include many other vegetables seasonally. Vegtables are 1/2 my plate and the last quarter is combination of dairy and grain although I sometimes leave it out though I usually have multigrain or whole wheat bread.

    And yes I have seen a number of specialists for health issues, they instructed me to take vitamin D 6,000 to 14,000 IU daily as well as a B-complex Daily. 4,000 IU of Vitamin D daily is recommended to anyone living where I live as we get far less sunshine during the winter, at least that is what the doctor told me when I asked :)

    Thanks for your input, definitely helpful!

    You are being poorly advised with the zinc IMO, speak with your doctor or dermatologist instead of random unqualified people on forums. Was the B complex recommended ON TOP OF the multi you already take?

    You could alter that diet to make it better for skin health/ acne - firstly oily fish several times a week ideally daily, omega-3s are powerful anti inflammatories and immune modulators, and acne is an inflammatory condition with a clear immune response to the bacteria. Fish body oils can be supplemented but you then miss out on vitamins and minerals that oily fish supply, chicken is not overly nutritious. Oftentimes supplements are blanket recommended in certain areas because medics accept people don't eat a balanced diet including things like oily fish, and some will end up deficient not because we actually all need it. Not to say don't take the vitamin D given your bloods, just work towards rebalancing your diet.

    Why so many green vegetables, what about blue/ purple, red, orange/ yellow? The body needs the full complement of nutrients and antioxidants for optimum health, green is not better than other bright/ dark produce. You don't mention nuts, seeds, beans, lentils and appear to limit or sometimes avoid wholegrains, these are all mineral rich foods - whilst it's great for skin and inflammatory conditions to go low glycaemic index you do need a balance of the food groups and nutrients. If you want to eliminate one you must eat more from groups that supply the same nutrients. Try not to overeat processed wheat, have a balance of different whole carbs. I'm also not clear what your sources of healthy fats are? Certain fatty acids are incorporated into cell membranes including those of the skin, and help bolster its barrier function (keeps water in, bacteria out).

    There is a decent commercial book by dermatologist Jessica Wu called 'Feed Your Face' that covers acne. You might also find current thinking on the skin's barrier function (corneobiology, corneotherapy) interesting, I started researching that and realised what I'd been doing wrong all these years, being too harsh on my skin and its flora, disrupting the natural protective mechanisms.

    What the owner of this store doesn't know about natural skincare from a scientific perspective, including acne and ageing, is probably not worth knowing
    Some of her tried and tested recipes here, the KinNiaNag serum is lovely stuff raved about on many skincare forums/ blogs
    She posts here as username DragoN
  • emmalousmom1
    emmalousmom1 Posts: 121 Member
    if you haven't tried Stievamycin, it is a gel cream available in canada, great for adult acne:)
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    Thank you Firefox7275 & Louise, I always appreciate help and information!

    The zinc was suggested because of my oily skin and I have found a good result because of it, my skin isn't an oil slick within an hour of being washed and that to me was a huge improvement. The multi-vitamin was a suggestion of a clinic doctor because I get sick quite often and he said it would be a good way to help my immune system. I do also eat a wide range of vegetables, if I noted everything I ate it would have been an extremely long post so I noted what is the most commonly found vegetables in all my meals and snacks through the day. I just wanted to keep it shorter as I feel like evertime I do two paragraphs it's like I am writing a story ha-ha.

    I do however love the perspective that you are coming from with Jessica Wu and her book, I am a great lover of knowledge and definitely will check it out.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I started taking additional vitamins and minerals because of my skin (Moderate Adult Acne) but since taking them I have noticed my energy level being a bit better and sickness seems to not cling to me as much but I do wonder if there is a vitamin or mineral that I may be missing as a balance to what I am taking.

    My current daily vitamin & mineral intake is below:

    - Centrum One-A-Day Women (x1)
    - Zinc Citrate 50mg (x1)
    - B-Complex Vitamin (Time Release) 100mg (x1)
    - Vitamin D 1000IU (x6)

    I do take such a large amount of D vitamin because I am severly deficient, it appears that I do not absorb that vitamin well. I was actually recommended but not directed to take 14,000 IU a day but I honestly think that is way too much.

    So... opinions? I am not one who did more than a multivitamin my whole life until now.

    I think this is awesome. The amounts of Vit D, B12, etc that are recommended by the government/health organizations are severely deficient. Everyone should be taking Vitamin D3 supplements if they can't be in the sun every day.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    and doctors will only prescribe drugs for your acne. you can do this without them. i appreciate most of the advice firefox gave, but don't just blindly accept a doctor or dermatologists recommendation. Accutane literally killed people.
  • Your supplement regimen is a mix of RDA-based and high-potency products, which favors the possibility that imbalances develop. High doses of vitamin D increase the need for vitamin K2 and magnesium because of better calcium utilization and to prevent the calcium from getting deposited in arteries and other soft tissues, rather than in the bones. Supplementation ought to follow biological requirements and needs to prevent side effects and to optimize benefits (see
  • D3 only, not D2, which is synthetic. D3 is more bio-available. I started with 2000 and am up to 5000, and continue to have my blood monitored. I live in a northern state and the winter sunshine is not strong enough to provide adequate D. There's a website where you can type in your address, and it will determine which parts of the year you get adequate and inadequate Vit D. I couldn't find it this time. Maybe you'll have better luck.

    As noted, K2 (180-200mcg/day for every 1000iu of D3) and magnesium (available in Himilayan (sp?) salt) is required for healthy bones. OR Fermented veggies is a good source of K2.

    Best wishes to you