If it's not one thing, it's your mother.

Does anyone else get completely riled up/demotivated/depressed by the looks and comments you get from family when they see you over the holidays, maybe heavier than they want? Well intentioned or not, these cut pretty deep for me. You would think I could use them as motivation to get going, but really they just hurt my feelings and make me want to put on stretchy pants and find the nearest bag of chips. It's sad to say, but I'm so relieved when they leave.


  • AmykinsCatfood
    AmykinsCatfood Posts: 599 Member
    I was just about to create a similar topic. My family are some of the cruelest people you could meet when it comes to weight. None of them are particularly small but because I'm young I "should know better." My own grandmother said she was embarrassed to be seen with me... I was absolutely heartbroken and stress ate for ages. The bigger I got the more depressed I got so I ate to dull the pain.

    I have had to learn that I cannot count on anyone for support, and that my strength has to come from within. Every pound lost is a victory for someone who has always been told "you can't do it."
  • samantha1242
    samantha1242 Posts: 816 Member
    I used to have my mother and grandmother comment negatively and nagging on my weight until I let them know (not so politely may I add) they were never to say anything negative about it again. They used to offer everyone seconds at dinners except me and tell me I didn't need it or couldn't "afford the extra calories". Not allow me to have dessert, ever. Tell me I eat way too fast and to slow down or else I'll eat too much and get bigger. They probably saw it as them helping me, but to me it just made me mad, angry, depressed, and like I was too fat to eat the food they ate.. like I wasn't good enough. I finally got fed up and blew up at them (yes, mean, I know) and let them know how I felt. Fast forward to now.. They only comment positively about my weight at dinners. This Christmas they both asked how much weight I had lost because I was looking great. There were no comments about me eating dessert or getting seconds of dinner. They do still have some weird comments such as if I am coming over for dinner they ask if "I can eat that on my diet, they wouldn't want to hurt my progress!" (though I am not on a diet, which they can't quite understand...) but I take it now as them helping, not nagging. I think sometimes they think they are helping, when it can actually be destructive. I also think that sometimes you just need to put people in their place, even if they are your family.