Hello from Millie!!!

Hello Everyone!

My name is Millie and I am a proud mother of a beautiful 10 year old that keeps be busy. Right now I don’t work as I am currently working on my MBA. Between school and my daughter’s activities, I have kind of let my eating and exercise habits get out of hand. I currently weigh 233 lbs. I have done a few diets over the years, but the only one that I eventually did stick to was the low card diet. About 4 years back my highest weight was 250 lbs when I decided to do the low carb. I got down to about 175 lbs in about a year or so. When I went off the diet I gained it all back. I have tried doing the low carb again, but it is difficult to make meal time work in hour home for my husband and daughter with the restrictions that go along with it. So, with the positive reinforcement of my wonderful sister Maria, I joined MFP. I am so glad that I am here and hope to lose an enormous amount of weight, but gain some friends in the process. See you on the boards. :smile:



  • MsMoodle
    MsMoodle Posts: 7 Member
    Hi MIllie! Nice to see you on here. I've been here for 1 week and a day! I lost 5.5 pounds in my 1st week... I'm hoping to keep getting numbers like that... Anyway, I was just logging my exercise on and thought I would check in with you. It's bedtime here as my youngest is asleep FINALLY! Hope to be seeing you around!
  • tarlinghaus
    Welcome Millie!! You can do this!!