Lap Band. S.O.S.

So about a month ago I found out that I am considered severely obese. I knew I was bigger but did not know I was OBESE! I'm 5'7 and 274. But I hold it differently so maybes that's why i felt I was just getting big. Anyways My doctor informed me that the pain I am having in my knees is because of my weight and I have to do psychial therapy. No big deal. She also told me I have the option to do the Lap Band surgery and the military will pay for it. I was completely in shock I did not know I had gained that much weight that I would need surgery but never the less.. I have been attempt to diet for a month and have no real motivation. I do not know if I should get the surgery or not. I am only 18 so I dont know if that should make me be like holy crap! or say okay, let's do this. I JUST DONT KNOW! Any advice or help would be wonderful. Also any experience with the surgery. DONT HOLD BACK. I need to know what I am getting into.


  • kacarter1017
    kacarter1017 Posts: 651 Member
    if you have no motivation to lose weight, the lap band won't work either. You have to be ready to change your eating patterns and your lifestyle. The lap band is a tool for weight loss, it is not a method of weight loss. In fact, most bariatric programs want to see good, steady weight loss PRIOR to a procedure to know that lifestyle modifications are becoming a part of your life. I wish I could tell you how to find the motivation, but that comes from within.
  • amehrkens
    amehrkens Posts: 162 Member
    I don't have any experience personally with the surgery but I used to work in clinci where we saw patients for retunr appointment after surgery. The ones who had no motivation to lose before the surgery were the ones who gained the weight back the fastest or didn't lose at all after surgery! You are young you can do this without surgery! I know it sucks those first few times you get out and exercise but find something that you love and make it fun. This webiste is great for tracking calories in and calories out, use this tool to help you get there!
  • MaggieSporleder
    MaggieSporleder Posts: 428 Member
    No. Your 18 years old, you have so much potential. Just following a calorie restrictive diet, such as what MFP sets up for you, should help. As for motivation, the pain in your knees, and the simple fact that your Doctor says you need the lap band should be enough to get you up and moving.
    But there are so many side effect from the Lap Band, infections, and complications, you need to try and get this done on your own. And as it was previously stated even with the Lap Band, if your not motivated to follow the diet given to you with that, it will do no good, your stomach pouch will stretch, and then you get more complications.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    My mother, father, and sister have all had it and had success. However, they also stuck to the plan (no soda ever, no alcohol for a long time, limit breads/pastas forever). They all work out religiously (competing in triathalons!). They all have foods that they can no longer eat without being sick (my sister can't eat a lot of sugary foods, my dad can longer stomach red meats) whether they want to or not. They all have three scars on their stomach and loose skin from losing weight so rapidly (even my sister who was only 25 at the time).

    Consider all your options. It can work, but you might want to take a crack at losing weight naturally first. The surgery will change your life forever.
  • lawandfitness
    lawandfitness Posts: 1,257 Member
    I agree with what pp's have said. If you are not motivated now to change your life, then lap band is not a good idea. If you are going to have the surgery and then continue eating the same way, DON'T GET IT! First off there are a lot of side effects, and if you are not going to be serious about nutrition after the surgery then it could be dangerous.

    I truly believe you need to google lap band surgery and read up on it before making a decision. There are message boards for people who have had bariatric surgery that may be able to assist you better, as I find most people on MFP are losing weight by eating a healthy diet and exercise.

    On a personal note, I know someone who had lap band surgery and lost a ton of weight (he was 600 pounds and now weighs 195) A few months ago his lap band slipped and was wrapped around his intestine. Lucky he went to the hospital right away because it is very dangerous if not treated immediately. (not to scare you but if he left it untreated he would have died)
  • japruzze
    japruzze Posts: 453 Member
    Weight loss surgery is a tool, not a solution. If you have no motiviation to lose weight, you won't be motivated as a result of the surgery. Its hard work and there are all sorts of risks if you don't follow the plan. Its all about you. Are you ready to make a life change? If you aren't, nothing is going to work! I hope you find your way back to a healthy you! It's in your hands. FYI...I was about the same height and weight when I had gastric bypass. I've lost 170 lbs 3+ years ago (20 before and 150 after surgery). I've put back on 10 in the last year and I'm looking to lose 20 now.
  • brokenjawedmuse
    There are risks of death when it comes to surgery. I'm 5'4" and 269lbs (and losing at a rate of about 2lbs per week), so we're in a similar boat.

    You need a lifestyle change, not surgery.
  • lcunningham12
    I am going to consult my doctor about it. My husband and I both started dieting and working out on New years and I know I can stick to it but I am discouraged because Im afraid it wont work or im doing things wrong. Last time I tried working out it just didnt go well an I gave up. I should have worded it better. I am motivated just discouraged. I dont know what I am going to do. I dont want to have a serious surgery. I just dont know how to kick myself in high gear to get things done.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    My mom had bypass surgery (not the lap band), but she had no intention of changing her ways. It was a horrible experience for her (from the outside looking in - she still swears it was wonderful). She wasn't eating appropriate foods, so her hair fell out in clumps (also could be due to anesthesia), and she hates doing any kind of load bearing exercises. She occasionally does water aerobics, but usually not (still pays for that membership though). She also would eat large amounts of food (gradually increasing). She now eats the same portion sizes as a "normal" person, and has put on a lot of weight again. She isn't devoted to changing, and the cost and side effects were pretty bad. She vomited all the time when she ate too much too quickly, and she still has excessive diarrhea (sorry may be too much info).

    It does work for some people, but I would imagine the more motivated you are, the better it works. However, if you get motivated, I'd suggest trying it on your own first. I'm 5'8" and somehow managed to get up to about 280 when I finished up my thesis. I'm now 232, and while I have a long way to go, I'm much better off than when I started. My mom always dropped hints that I should consider the surgery, but I never wanted the surgery. If I want it bad enough, I'll get it done. I've just been lazy for years.
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    Yikes - I would worry about any doctor who suggested lap band surgery without trying other options. It is NOT an easy fix, and do you really want to live like that the rest of your life if you don't have to?
    If you have no motiviation to lose weight, you won't be motivated as a result of the surgery. Its hard work and there are all sorts of risks if you don't follow the plan. Its all about you. Are you ready to make a life change? If you aren't, nothing is going to work!
  • brokenjawedmuse
    Yikes - I would worry about any doctor who suggested lap band surgery without trying other options. It is NOT an easy fix, and do you really want to live like that the rest of your life if you don't have to?

    I was thinking the exact same thing.
  • ruckerbenton
    Try to loose the old fashioned way first. You have to be motivated, period, or nothing will work. You are too young to only be eating 1 1/2 CUPS of food a DAY!
  • yourenotmine
    yourenotmine Posts: 645 Member
    I would never get surgery before exhausting all other options. And seriously, that surgery is life altering, and definitely not a quick fix.
    ETA: Your profile says you have a 4 month old! Please, please don't put yourself through this surgery until you try losing weight by yourself.
  • PJoy6
    PJoy6 Posts: 38 Member
    You are so young, if I were you I'd try a different route first.
    I had the surgery a few years ago, and it really is not a magic bullet. I haven't lost any significant weight that I couldn't have done on my own without surgery. I regret the Lab Band, it's been a rough road for me and I would recommend you trying anything else first.

    Sounds like you have never even tried traditional diet and exercise to lose weight, you need to just do this first. My Fitness Pal is awesome because there is support and a food diary. You don't want a life of physical therapy and surgery----you want a life of health and feeling good.
    Surgery should be your very last option, not your first.
    So about a month ago I found out that I am considered severely obese. I knew I was bigger but did not know I was OBESE! I'm 5'7 and 274. But I hold it differently so maybes that's why i felt I was just getting big. Anyways My doctor informed me that the pain I am having in my knees is because of my weight and I have to do psychial therapy. No big deal. She also told me I have the option to do the Lap Band surgery and the military will pay for it. I was completely in shock I did not know I had gained that much weight that I would need surgery but never the less.. I have been attempt to diet for a month and have no real motivation. I do not know if I should get the surgery or not. I am only 18 so I dont know if that should make me be like holy crap! or say okay, let's do this. I JUST DONT KNOW! Any advice or help would be wonderful. Also any experience with the surgery. DONT HOLD BACK. I need to know what I am getting into.
  • lawandfitness
    lawandfitness Posts: 1,257 Member
    I am going to consult my doctor about it. My husband and I both started dieting and working out on New years and I know I can stick to it but I am discouraged because Im afraid it wont work or im doing things wrong. Last time I tried working out it just didnt go well an I gave up. I should have worded it better. I am motivated just discouraged. I dont know what I am going to do. I dont want to have a serious surgery. I just dont know how to kick myself in high gear to get things done.

    I will be honest with you... even if you don't want me to be.... your problem is how you are going about this.....

    First off STOP BEING NEGITIVE!!!! Above you write you are discouraged because you are afraid it wont work.... how can you be discouraged before you give it an HONEST go.... You have to try at something before you fail or successed. Same with working out, you are taking a negative experience from your past and making it out to be your future.

    First piece of advice I can give you... KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!!! If you and your partner are DEAD SERIOUS about losing weight, use Google!!! Look up the tools that will help explain proper nutrition to you. The more you read, the more you will begin to understand what you need to be doing in order to lose weight. DO NOT buy into any diet gimmicks or quick fixes because there is no such thing.

    Second piece of advice is STOP BEING NEGITIVE.... If you have a bad day, or eat something you shouldn't, don't throw your diet out the window! Pick yourself up, dust off and try will not lose overnight, you need to be in this for the long haul which leads me to advice number 3.......

    DON'T CALL IT A DIET, CHANGE YOUR EATING FOR LIFE.... a diet is temporary..... if you change your eating habits, you will not go back to eating the foods that made you gain weight in the first place.

    Lastly, YOU CAN DO THIS.... you have a partner to rely and a baby at home. Make them your reasons for success and stay positive, YOU CN DO ANYTHING YOU PUT YOUR MIND TOO!!!
  • caribear1984
    I was looking into lap band myself at this time last year. I had started doing the things my insurance asked me to do, like doctor supervised diet visits. I had a surgeon picked out, and was an active member of a lapband support forum. Then several members on the forum died suddenly from complications. There was one woman in particular who I had talked to regularly, who had some serious complications. She was able to get back on the forum long enough to say that given the chance to do it over, and knowing then what she knew now, she would not have the surgery. Less than a week later she died. It was a major shock for me, since lapband was supposed to be the safest bariatric surgery option.

    My intention is not to scare you, but to show you that it's not a decision to be taken lightly. I would suggest that if you are seriously considering it, you go to and read as much as you can. It has been a wonderful help for some people, but not for everyone. I finally got my rear in gear and have lost 50some pounds since July. If you put in the effort, it will come off.

    Good luck in your decision, whatever you choose.
  • lcunningham12
    You are right. I am going to give it until Christmas of next year. I spoke with my doctor and she wants to set me up with a consultant but I just don't know. I don't want surgery yeet. I have read a whole bunch of horror stories but 2x as many success stories. I am going to give it a year but next week i am going to a nutrition consult. To figure out what to do to make us healthier. I am just worried about how expensive it is to eat healthy. Any ideas. I also am not a very good cook and could use help with recipes that are healthy and cheap.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    You are 18 and have a 4 month old = that alone should be all the motivation you need...That kiddo is going to need you for at least the next 18 years (and big secret, they always need you, no matter how old...) It is YOUR responsibility to get healthy for him/her.

    274 and 5'7 is not "big" - it is obese....With all the medical horrors that goes with obesity.... At 18 you should be able to dance and run and bike and climb mountains - not have knee pain.....

    Stop making excuses NOW - if you don't, just accept the fact that you might not live long enough to see your child grow up, and that you won't be able to run and play with him like any mom would like too....

    Eating healthy is not expensive - not more expensive than junk food...

    Cooking is not difficult - I detest spending hours in front of a stove, so I don't! You can cook a healthy inexpensive dinner for 2.5 people and eat within an hour at night - sometimes shorter.... If you have an oven - cut up all kinds of veggies - potatoes (baby potatoes if you don't want to cut it up) carrots, cauliflower, snap peas, mushrooms - whatever you like -, put it in a bowl and cover with foil (or lid) Spice up with veggie spices/dash or whatever you like....Take chicken portions - cheap if you buy in bulk - remove the skin (I do it when I pack the bulk trays into freezer bags) rub some spices into it and grill in the oven.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Heres my opinion only-

    DONT DO IT! You CAN lose the weight if you suck it up and count calories and excercise. The fact that you are having pain from your weight should be enough motivation, in my opinion.

    You are permanently damaging your body. It is a VERY serious surgery with MANY risks. And guess what? You'll still have to eat less and excercise when it's done.

    Why not just do that NOW without the surgery?
  • MaggieSporleder
    MaggieSporleder Posts: 428 Member
    You are right. I am going to give it until Christmas of next year. I spoke with my doctor and she wants to set me up with a consultant but I just don't know. I don't want surgery yeet. I have read a whole bunch of horror stories but 2x as many success stories. I am going to give it a year but next week i am going to a nutrition consult. To figure out what to do to make us healthier. I am just worried about how expensive it is to eat healthy. Any ideas. I also am not a very good cook and could use help with recipes that are healthy and cheap.

    The nutritionist is your best idea! They will be able to help you know what you should be eating and exactly why. I wish you the best with your year! You can friend me if you would like. I'll help you with cheap recipes, so long as you don't mind they're all Gluten Free. :)