Recalculating the MFP Goals - A Personal Experience



  • cmuggridge
    cmuggridge Posts: 58 Member
    You might try using this calculator and inputing your information manually. At least that is what I am doing:

    Do not go above your TDEE and never eat below your BMR

    Thanks. It looks like this one is only a couple hundred off the totals cedarghost was supplying so I would view that as a fairly solid confirmation.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,126 Member

    So if I am following this right, if I leave the total at 1800 as per the guided MFP result, then those days I do my 500 calorie workout I will have 2300 calories for eating. That would seem to be right where you are estimating it, correct? And if I do happen to go over my 1800 calorie limit by 1 or 2 hundred on those other days, I shouldn't really need to worry.

    Wow, I can't believe how long I have gone under-eating based on some simple, incorrect selections.

    You've got it. There are two ways to figure it, TDEE (his way) and MFP's way. If you use correct calculations, they both get you to the same place.

    Don't feel bad, most people do that. It's human nature to want to lose fast. So, "Lose 2 pounds a week" and
    "Sedentary" sounds great!

    It does work if you are extremely over weight. But as you have learned, it doesn't work for long without consequences.
  • xRedHeaterx
    xRedHeaterx Posts: 37 Member
    Interesting, thoughtful thread. I just thought it was worth querying your waist measurement, as for your other stats it seems very close to the hip measurement. It should be measured at the widest part, often an inch above the navel. For me it's like 5 inches more than my jeans size. Best would be to get an official measurement of the stats, especially body fat. A nurse I know told me they sometimes measure it by passing electricity through certain parts. There are other methods of course, some already mentioned.

    Good luck