
Hey MFPals,

I have been on MFP for almost three years and have never posted before. My name is Kenny and I am blessed with an amazing wife and 2 kiddos that are my world. I figured out a few months back that in the past 17 years (from age 12-29) I have lost over 80 lbs 13 times. What that tells me is that I am really GREAT at losing weight. The issue is that I am really TERRIBLE when it comes to maintaining. This has always puzzled me because logically it makes no sense. When you put in hours of work and sacrifice so much and get to a place where you are legitimately happier, healthier and better for those you love, how do you find yourself back in the same desperate place over and over again? For me I have realized that it boils down to a need for COMMUNITY and HEALING.

COMMUNITY is needed for transformation, accountability and belonging. My shame has always led me to do things on my own when it comes to weight issues which is contrary to every other (ironically healthy) aspect in my life.

HEALING is vital for me to overcome the struggle that has been before me my entire life. I need God to HEAL me of my insecurities, hurts and my ADDICTION to food.

I have tried and failed every time on my own. I need God's leading and your support.

Thanks for listening.



  • Cowboyzfan82288
    Cowboyzfan82288 Posts: 161 Member
    Hey Kenny! I'm Mark. Welcome to MFP! There is alot of support here! I've really slacked off in the last two months. I'm working on getting back on track. Feel free to add me if you'd like. I'll help you any way that I can.
  • jennfranklin
    jennfranklin Posts: 434 Member
    Yo-Yo dieting has been my life story! Add me if you like!