January Challenge for Beginners... 50 miles!



  • sgtrowley
    sgtrowley Posts: 246 Member
    got this... I usually run 3-6 miles a day, monday through saturday.
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member

    Irked I could not get my long run in this weekend because my mileage is so low, but with a recovery week and an injury week I'm just going to have to take this one on the chin. I'll still hit 50 this month but I really thought I'd be closer to 80!

    1/28 - 1/2 mile warm up, 5 mile run, 1/2 mile cool down

    1/1 - 2.4/50
    1/4 - 5.5/50
    1/6 - 8.6/50
    1/11 - 10.1/50
    1/12 - 24.7/50
    1/16 - 27.2/50
    1/20 - 29.2/50
    1/23 - 37.2/50
    1/28 - 43.2/50

    .6 mile walking warmup, 2 mile tempo run, .53 mile walking cooldown
    1/1 - 2.4/50
    1/4 - 5.5/50
    1/6 - 8.6/50
    1/11 - 10.1/50
    1/12 - 24.7/50
    1/16 - 27.2/50
    1/20 - 29.2/50
    1/23 - 37.2/50
    1/28 - 43.2/50
    1/29 - 46.33/50
  • spud_chick
    spud_chick Posts: 2,640 Member
    Whew! Wanted to get it in today in case it rains all day tomorrow.

    Month Total Miles
    Jan 2013 50.21

    WalkDate Distance
    30.Jan.13 2.02
    29.Jan.13 3.74
    27.Jan.13 4.72
    24.Jan.13 2.51
    22.Jan.13 1.42
    21.Jan.13 3.27
    19.Jan.13 3.77
    16.Jan.13 4.25
    13.Jan.13 3.19
    12.Jan.13 4.58
    7.Jan.13 3.27
    6.Jan.13 2.04
    5.Jan.13 2.34
    4.Jan.13 3.21
    3.Jan.13 2.77
    1.Jan.13 3.11
  • kbmomma42
    kbmomma42 Posts: 52 Member
    I just found this board - are you starting one for February? I would love to join!
  • 3.5 more miles tonight

  • Americanbabydoll
    Americanbabydoll Posts: 1,255 Member
    64 miles so far for January!!
  • soniabogonia
    soniabogonia Posts: 778 Member
    I did my last 4...., 50 mile challenge completed!!!!

  • ElliInJapan
    ElliInJapan Posts: 286 Member
    I finally finished it too! Just on time! 80.8 km or 50.2 miles done! Yay! I look forward to February's challenge, I hope I can do 100km!
    Congrats to everyone!

  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    1/1 2.5/50
    1/2 2.5/50
    1/3 7/50
    1/4 7/50
    1/5 7/50
    1/6 10.1/50 5k time 35:48
    1/7 10.1/50
    1/8 15.1/50
    1/9 15.1/50
    1/10 18.67/50
    1/11 18.67/50
    1/12 18.67/50
    1/13 22.97/50
    1/14 22.97/50
    1/15 28.27/50
    1/16 28.27/50
    1/17 28.27/50
    1/18 28.27/50
    1/19 28.27/50
    1/20 28.27/50
    1/21 28.27/50
    1/22 32.23/50
    1/23 32.23/50
    1/24 32.23/50
    1/25 32.23/50
    1/26 39.23/50
    1/27 39.23/50
    1/28 39.23/50
    1/29 39.23/50
    1/30 42.82/50

    So close! Another run scheduled tomorrow.
  • How do you track your miles?
  • LuckyCheryl
    LuckyCheryl Posts: 71 Member
    Made it - ready to begin next months challenge :smile:

  • meldel49
    meldel49 Posts: 30 Member
    Last day of the month and did the 50 miles. Yes! I am so glad. Feels good! Will try for the next 50 for February.:bigsmile:
  • shivvie1969
    shivvie1969 Posts: 59 Member
    Just done a 1.98 mile walk.

  • Bah, being sick for a week threw me off, I didn't quite make it! But ok, from 1/10 - 1/31 I got 43 miles in, and I've already joined the challenge for February!

  • LJA1968
    LJA1968 Posts: 516 Member

  • spud_chick
    spud_chick Posts: 2,640 Member
    How do you track your miles?

    I use the free android CardioTrainer app on my phone to record my walks, and the app gives you a website link where you can go view your track history and download the results, which you can open in Excel or any other spreadsheet program. I do other stuff with it beyond Excel but that alone is a handy way to keep track of your miles.

    If you don't have a device or smartphone to track your walks with, you can use MapMyWalk.com or MapMyRun.com (and your watch) to create your routes and keep track of your history, if you don't use a treadmill. I just use it to map routes beforehand but the other features look handy.
  • spud_chick
    spud_chick Posts: 2,640 Member
    Month Total Miles
    Jan 2013 52.81

    WalkDate Distance
    31.Jan.13 2.60
    30.Jan.13 2.02
    29.Jan.13 3.74
    27.Jan.13 4.72
    24.Jan.13 2.51
    22.Jan.13 1.42
    21.Jan.13 3.27
    19.Jan.13 3.77
    16.Jan.13 4.25
    13.Jan.13 3.19
    12.Jan.13 4.58
    7.Jan.13 3.27
    6.Jan.13 2.04
    5.Jan.13 2.34
    4.Jan.13 3.21
    3.Jan.13 2.77
    1.Jan.13 3.11
  • February challenge here we come.
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    My god, at first I thought this thread was encouraging the "beginners" to do a 50 mile run and I thought, "holy crap am I ever in the wrong place"'. lol
  • Final run for January. For me a record amount of miles in a month. Really enjoyed it.
