Special K Challenge...



  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I'm doing this right now, I'm on my 4th day. It's hard for me to stay on track, and this is helping me learn portion control again. Also, the plan allows you unlimited fruits and veggies so that really helps. Obviously too much fruit will give you too much sugar but if you eat 3 fuit, 6 veggies during the day it's not so bad. It's not enjoyable but it's working.
    Uh, I hmm...

    so.. If it's hard to stay on track, what happens when you go back to eating "not special K" again?

    Also, unlimited fruits and veggies? Are you tracking it? I mean, I could sit down and literally eat my weight in mango and pineapple, but then..

    Just... I just gotta know what you think is going to happen when you stop?
  • TheStephil
    TheStephil Posts: 858 Member
    I personally like a lot of their food but I could never do their diet. It never keeps me full for long. You are better off with other snack options out there and it will save you money
  • Kattamer81
    I like special K.. if I can load it down with about 1/2 cup of sugar. otherwise, it tastes like sandy bits of nothing.

    Oh god...I needed that laugh...

    You guys slay me!
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    if helps you with portion control go for it. Different strokes for different folks. I use some of their products and I love their cereal.