Treated differently?



  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    When shopping for clothes, the store staff seem to be more friendly and willing to help
  • jasonr1009
    jasonr1009 Posts: 342 Member
    When shopping for clothes, the store staff seem to be more friendly and willing to help


    I like to shop at express men if i want something basic like a shirt or something. When i was heavier, i got NO HELP whatsoever from anyone in that store ever. Now that ive lost weight, I will literally have a sales person up my *kitten* wanting to help, make suggestions, anything. Its sad. Im the same person that ive always been. Just a little more in control of my weight
  • becky6m
    becky6m Posts: 108 Member
    I also have to say I think its both. Or from my experience. 100lbs ago I didn't care about me. I didn't fix my hair or even go out matching. (which is horrible I know) After I lost all the weight, I cared more about me and the way I presented myself. Before I would never have turned any heads, now when I walk into a store I feel like I have something on my pants because I get head turns constantly. My mom was actually making fun of me because I ran into her at the store and we were talking by the door, she said every guy that has walked out of that door has looked or taken a double take. It bothers me. It is what it is.
  • superwomanpinkmo4
    It's funny that you posted this , b/c this has been on my mind all day. It seems as if males are positive ( which we all know way)lol , but some females that know me before my weight lost are negative... It use to bother me but today I made a vow not to let it make me give up...
  • superwomanpinkmo4
    I know u are so right...
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    I think it is a combination of both! :)

    This! I've noticed it happening to me, too!
  • christy3565
    It's funny that you posted this , b/c this has been on my mind all day. It seems as if males are positive ( which we all know way)lol , but some females that know me before my weight lost are negative... It use to bother me but today I made a vow not to let it make me give up...

    I do have a couple of friends that haven't talked to me in months because of my weightloss. Admittedly so. I was always the big girl in the bunch, now I'm not and they can't handle it. Very sad but honestly shows me who really are my friends
  • souzouchan
    I'm still considered a bit big but I'm still finding that guys are flirting with me a bit more which is cool. Had a guy at the game store flirt, and even when I said I was buying a game for my fiance, he was STILL flirting a bit. Hahaha! :laugh:
  • likearadiowave
    likearadiowave Posts: 445 Member
    Yes....for sure.....I was told that guys always went for the DUFF....dumb ugly fat friend.....every circle usually has one....well...i'm not it anymore. Also, from reading on here, guys go "hoggin" for big very awful & cruel. I guess big girls have low self esteem & are an easy score?

    I agree with you though, it's a combination of both.....and hooray for them both!

    That's what losers what no respect for women (or themselves) do.
  • solarpower4
    solarpower4 Posts: 250 Member
    Along a similar vein, when I used to dress "comfortably" (big sweatshirts, pants too big, Doc Martin-type shoes), women were more friendly and men not so. Once I finally got a clue that guys are attracted to looks and not to brains ('cause duh, brainiac, how can you judge that at a glance?), and started wearing clothes that FIT, male strangers literally followed me around (no, I'll never get used to that) while women were noticeably less friendly. and when I say clothes that fit, I mean nicely tailored, business-type clothing with plenty of room to breathe, not skin-tight, skimpy street-walker-type clothing.

    So, it goes both ways, though I do see more bias by sales clerks against my obese friends when we are shopping. It used to really bug me, but maybe it does have a little bit to do with the greater difficulty of finding well-made clothes that flatter a much bigger body?? I see so many heavy people wearing huge sacks (like I used to even though I was never very big) and I want to point them to the stores that have clothes DESIGNED from the outset for an overweight body. It makes such a huge difference no matter what your shape or size!

    I also agree with one of the posters above who pointed out that it DOES take a lot of discipline and determination and perseverance to lose weight and stay fit -- and that definitely garners much more attraction from the opposite gender.

    And self-confidence is almost ALWAYS more appealing, even downright sexy, no matter what the size!
  • Dymatized
    I concur. After shedding 30 or so pounds and adding some muscle in the right places I do notice more attention for the ladies and one guy...GROSS! Anyhow, it has made me feel more confident but not cocky.
  • carrietehbear
    carrietehbear Posts: 384 Member
    I see it! I get way more attention from guys. More people hold doors open for me. It's subtle little things but I notice a difference.

    I'd like to add. I see this no matter what I'm wearing. Oddly, I get a LOT of attention from men when I'm all gross and sweaty after leaving the gym.
  • desiv2
    desiv2 Posts: 651 Member
    Honestly, everyone should expect to be treated a little bit different. It's human nature, not to mention people usually act differently themselves when they lose weight (and you might not notice it!). I wish it weren't so, but it's a fact of life. Try to enjoy it! :)
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    I was actually thinking about this lately. Ive lost more than 70 lbs in the last 6 months or so. I dont seem to notice any different treatment for the most part. Maybe big as I am and was, I never let it "bother" me. Ive always been strong, confident, determined, even arrogant. Ive been accused of being a snob and thinking Im better than everyone. I really dont think that, there is part of the problem. After being accused of it long enough you almost adapt / adopt the attitude. I find in the weight loss though, that I am more confident and even "stronger". When I walk into a room, Im told I command attention......that the whole room KNOWS Im there. LMAO I dont do this deliberately and never have....I guess it's just part of who I am.

    I still hate the accusations.

    Oh and Christy.........strut your stuff huni. Dont bother with what others think say or do. Dont give them nary a thought from your pretty little head. DO YOURSELF PROUD!!! You've done a great thing. Women like me strive to do what you've done in this weight loss thing.

  • BrotherBill913
    BrotherBill913 Posts: 661 Member
    About 20 yrs ago I decided at Christmas to drop weight. By Easter I was down 43 lbs. Having only been 27 at that time it was a lot of weight, and it showed. I was bothered how some ppl who were just polite to me before all of a sudden wanted to be friends. I understand and appreciate that your appearance can affect your outlook. But it does not change your morals, social values or belief system. I don't kick ppl when they are down. I believe in helping them out.
  • jayche
    jayche Posts: 1,128 Member
    Well yea I'd say I'm treated differently in tiny aspects of my life but nothing critical changed in my life though. For example when I took my shirt off/wore a sleeveless shirt in the past no one bothered me, now when I do the some people go out of their way to call me a douche. Also notice a lot more looks at the beach or pool, but that's about it I don't think my social status has climbed or anything like that.
  • BrotherBill913
    BrotherBill913 Posts: 661 Member
    It's funny that you posted this , b/c this has been on my mind all day. It seems as if males are positive ( which we all know way)lol , but some females that know me before my weight lost are negative... It use to bother me but today I made a vow not to let it make me give up...

    I do have a couple of friends that haven't talked to me in months because of my weightloss. Admittedly so. I was always the big girl in the bunch, now I'm not and they can't handle it. Very sad but honestly shows me who really are my friends

    This is a good example.. Glad you posted it :)
  • christy3565
    Oh and Christy.........strut your stuff huni. Dont bother with what others think say or do. Dont give them nary a thought from your pretty little head. DO YOURSELF PROUD!!! You've done a great thing. Women like me strive to do what you've done in this weight loss thing.


    lol I think you and I would get into alot of trouble with a night on the town!! You know I've hidden myself, or stood at the back of the room, for so many years that I wouldnt know how to strut my stuff. I am VERY proud of what I've accomplished and knowing that I have the power to finish what I started. I just have to work on my self confidence a wee bit more, but it's coming :tongue:
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    Oh and Christy.........strut your stuff huni. Dont bother with what others think say or do. Dont give them nary a thought from your pretty little head. DO YOURSELF PROUD!!! You've done a great thing. Women like me strive to do what you've done in this weight loss thing.

    lol I think you and I would get into alot of trouble with a night on the town!! You know I've hidden myself, or stood at the back of the room, for so many years that I wouldnt know how to strut my stuff. I am VERY proud of what I've accomplished and knowing that I have the power to finish what I started. I just have to work on my self confidence a wee bit more, but it's coming :tongue:

    I suspect we would too but I gotta tell ya...I might work that shy thang right outta ya!!!! :flowerforyou: I was never one to hide...even as heavy as I was / am / soon wont be :blushing:

    Here's me k? Im 6' tall..big busted...legs up to there ^!!!! and was well over 200lbs even over 300 at one point many years ago. I had short spiked partially blonde highlight hair (back in the mullet days no less!!!!) I sport 7 tattoos and 25 piercings (10 in one ear, 11 in the other, both eyebrows are pierced and one side of my nose is pierced twice. So you see.......I wasnt real shy and Im even less shy now though I dont wear the earrings etc and the tatts, even back then were well placed and tasteful (crosses and one lightning bolt--long story there) It was "cool" back all those years ago and I grew tired of the whole thing ya know.

    Now is a whole other story. LOL Ive been busted up pretty bad in a couple accidents, including but not limited to a broken neck and back so I hang pretty close to home. Unfortunately those injuries lead to weight gain blah blah blah. I can still kick *kitten* pretty good though and we'd still have a riot out on the town!!! The good thing is I do still work full time and am losing weight!!! FINALLY huh?

    Have an awesome weekend Christy

  • christy3565
    lol you are without a doubt the kind of person I would hang out with. How fun!! I think I could probably sit and talk with you for hours.
    Ok so you are broken up and I never sit still (cant have two young boys) so let's keep each other on track and show em what we got

    have a great weekend yourself!